Once there were many kingdoms of myth and legend, but six stood apart from the rest. They may have lost their origins, but they still possessed their elemental abilities of creation as well as destruction. Their rule was about to be threatened by an unseen group, who have waited patiently to make their move.
A group of powerful royal blooded teenagers are about to experience the time of their lives, but also have their lives turned upside-down. They will have to go beyond what they thought possible, stretching their skills, friendship, courage, love, and powers to the breaking point.
A group of powerful royal blooded teenagers are about to experience the time of their lives, but also have their lives turned upside-down. They will have to go beyond what they thought possible, stretching their skills, friendship, courage, love, and powers to the breaking point.

At eleven years old, Lauren Arvo started working out the details to a suspenseful fantasy action novel. Three years later, in 2014, and with the assistance of her dad, Peter Arvo, that first manuscript became the basis for Elemental Kingdoms.
Lauren is a home schooled teenager who loves reading and writing about ancient myths and legends. She also enjoys participating in the online role-playing community and competing in various online gaming events. Lauren lives with her parents, a cat, and a dog in rural Michigan.
Peter is a husband, dad, researcher, and Lauren's coauthor.
Lauren is a home schooled teenager who loves reading and writing about ancient myths and legends. She also enjoys participating in the online role-playing community and competing in various online gaming events. Lauren lives with her parents, a cat, and a dog in rural Michigan.
Peter is a husband, dad, researcher, and Lauren's coauthor.
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Q. What inspires your writing?
A. Peter: Research into real history, ancient cultures, unusual events, legends and myths, both influences and inspires the conversations I have with Lauren about the plot and characters
A. Lauren: Doing online role-play has probably influenced my writing the most as it’s all about creating different environments and having characters interact in them.
Q. What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
A. Peter: Being able to spend more quality time with Lauren, and being able to assist her with long sophisticated plots.
A. Lauren: Thinking about different plot ideas and new characters, it’s always been one of my favorite past times.
Q. What is the toughest part of being a writer?
A. Peter: Trying to find enough time to do everything I need to do, and would like to do, is the toughest part. No matter how many time management skills you obtain over the years; ultimately you can't add more time to extend a 24-hour day.
A. Lauren: Probably just making sure the writing part is exactly right.
Q. If you could not be writer, what would you do/be?
A. Peter: This is an easy one for me, since I've always been a researcher and am a researcher now.
A. Lauren: I would likely become an actress, as I’ve always loved bringing characters to life.
Q. What would the story of your life be entitled?
A. Peter: Probably something like "The Unusual Life of Peter Arvo". I've had strange things occur in my life over the years.
A. Lauren: I don’t think I can provide a title for my life yet as it’s sort of just beginning and nothing eventful enough has happened, besides publishing the book of course, But I would think is would be something like “The Story Teller”
Q. What is your favorite book of all time?
A. Peter: I don't think I have a favorite fiction book of all time, since as time passes my current all time favorite seems to change. Out of any books though, I would definitely choose the bible.
A. Lauren: I really liked the book ‘The Last of the really great Whangdoodles’ it was just an instant classic to me.
Q. Which character from ANY book are you most like?
A. Peter: This is a tough one... Hmm, trying to choose one based on personality and character traits would be very hard. I don't think I've read enough books to be able to make a decision on that. It also makes it tough; since good characters tend to change over time, so a character in the beginning of a book or series might be a pretty close match, but by the end they might be vastly different.
A. Lauren: I think I agree with my dad, I don’t think there are really any characters that are like me from start to end of any series I have read thus far.
Q. What character from all of your book are you most like?
A. Peter: None of the characters are based off of me, and I don't feel a stronger connection to one verses another, so I would say one of the knights. Honor and loyalty mean a great deal to me.
A. Lauren: I would probably say Hope as I based her off of myself.
Q: Which book would you love to take a weekend vacation inside of?
A. Peter: Book two in the Elemental Kingdoms series. Book two, Elemental Kingdoms: Grand Deception, will not be released until June 30th, 2016, but was written simultaneously with book one, and has some very awesome twists in the plot and events that take place, that I would love to be a witness to. Lauren and I cannot provide any details on book two, other than people will love how everything ties together in unexpected ways.
A. Lauren: Most likely Harry Potter, I’ve always really liked the idea of magic and I would probably really enjoy myself there.
Q. What is your favorite season?
A. Peter: This has changed over my lifetime. Fall and Halloween used to be my favorite season. Then it became winter and Christmas; and now it's Christmas and spring.
A. Lauren: That’s actually a pretty difficult question as I like all of the seasons for different reasons but I think ultimately it would be late spring since it isn’t too cold or hot and full of life though fall is a close second.
Q. What inspired your book cover(s)? Or what is your favorite book cover and why?
A. Peter: This is a great question, because I know authors who have had no say over what was on their cover, since it was completely dictated by the large publisher they went through. I've known other authors who spent very little time on it and some who have spent an enormous amount of thought on what should be on the cover. Lauren and I fall into the last category. We spent a great deal of time thinking about what the book covers should look like, what the symbolism should convey, and even how it may impact future books. I'll leave it to the readers to read book one and see if they can understand all of the subtle reasons that things are the way they are. At some point we may post details about the book cover's meaning on our website forums. As for a favorite, I think it's too soon to tell which one will be the best in the series.
A. Lauren: I always loved nature and sunrise/sets and as you can see on the first book cover that is what is shown.
Q. Tell me something funny that happened while on a book tour or while promoting your book.
A. Peter: Since we have just started getting book signing events setup, I can't think of anything, but people can keep an eye on the news section of our website for upcoming book signing events as they are posted, and if they attend, Lauren and I would be happy to fill them in on anything funny that has occurred. We would also be more than happy to be interviewed again and try to share anything funny that may have occurred. Great question though!
A. Lauren: We just started promoting our book so I don’t think there is anything that is funny that I can think of.
A. Lauren: We just started promoting our book so I don’t think there is anything that is funny that I can think of.
Q. Are you working on something new?
A. Peter: Always. Book two in the series, Elemental Kingdoms: Grand Deception, only needs the illustrations completed and we are working with the illustrator to make sure all the illustrations are as close as possible to what is trying to be conveyed in the book. While that is ongoing, we are working on additional details on book three in the series, with a tentative release for spring 2017. We actually had a backstory and partial prequel to the series written in conjunction with book one and two (and part of three), but we don't know if the prequel will ever be published. We have many notes and details to potentially take the series to six books in total, but we also won't do that unless we can ensure that everything can come together and keep things just as interesting for us as it is for the readers. We also plan out three books at a time (if not more), so if book three doesn't completely end the story, then that will mean we will most likely have three more. We also will not publish a forth book, unless we have books four, five, and six mapped out to the point where we know we can do all three.
A. Lauren: We are currently working on the third book as the second book is completely done but the illustrations we also hope to continue the series further and perhaps make at least another book after the first three books and possibly a prequel.
Q. Anything you want to say to followers of this blog or those that are just stopping by?
A. Peter: Please stop by our website at ElementalKingdomsSeries.com and check out the promotional video listed under the extras section, and checkout the newly update forums; where you can 'Enter Their World' and role play as one of the characters. Thank you for reading and visiting this blog! Take care!
A. Lauren: I really hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd