A horse stands at the corner of the fence as she tells a tale. She shares the stories from her past. The stories of heartbreak, disappointment, and the feeling of finally finding love within her life.
She remembered when her life wasn’t as easy as, she struggled to be recognized for who she was. She remembers when a little girl opened her heart and opened up a whole new way of living.
She chose her new life, and wants to share it with you; hoping for other horses out there in need, will have a chance to live with love.
“Gypsy’s Meadow” is a touching story which tells a tale of other simuliar horses out there that are just plainly looking for a good home. The purpose and mission of this book, is to raise funds for “First Light Farms Equine Shelter”; so other horses can share their “Remember When” and not “Maybe could be.” “Every step we take could be another hoof print left in our hearts.”

"Mrs. Brown does it again." says M-N Smith
The words whisper along the pages of the old tattered book showing its deceitful powers, only to harm what is in its path to Harper’s treasures. Harper has learned the secrets of Pasmaqon and has grown into her powerful magical being which is her strongest power of all. She is prepared to fight the villains of Pasmaqon, yet she is not prepared to fight her past villains that chose to find the only leak to the powerful lands beyond.
Harper is about to sacrifice her life in a battle of the unknown as, she protects who she thought she would never consider as equals. She realizes the battle is non-other without their help. Wizard of Tide’s power has grown stronger, uncovering the secrets of Pasmaqon. To use his new found freedom to destroy the worlds around them. Harper discovers an old friend that carries the secrets of the book and the world. She unfolds the meaning that she longed to find, only to discover the darkness pulls her into a whirlwind of her own worst fears.

Harper, an eleven year old meek, intelligent, but curious girl spent most of her days on her father’s fishing vessel. Her inquisitive notion drove her to an old tattered book that held a mysterious stone. Struggling to open the clasp, releasing the stone as, it radiates a glow across her room. She kept the rock in her pocket for secrecy.
She quickly realized the power of the stone as she found herself in a lost world, called Pasmaqon. She found herself fighting through the estranged beast, invisible vices, and dark ghosts. She recognized Pasmaqon is actually its own worst compelling character. She learned her ancestor had created the world, as it continues battling itself, until an unusual adventuress exposed the transcendent book. Harper finds her ancestor's creations were in search of the missing link.
Harper struggles to find her way through the unknown. She learns that the land of Pasmaqon, yet controls her as well as her world above. Her discoveries and adventures hold the key of eternity. She not only battles her own inner powers as she fights to protect the hidden. She learns that her existence is a true mystery that sings along the pages of her ancestor’s mysterious book.

J.T. Brown was born and raised in Downeast, Maine, growing up in a family of fisherman and loggers. Many of her stories are inspired from the ocean which, she had created in her mind as a child. One particular land mark in Pembroke, Maine called the Reversing Falls, which is a unique natural phenomenon that is pulled by many currents that creates a churning whirlpool took her full interest.
J.T. Brown remembers the many trips that she took over the "Reversing Falls," on her father's fishing vessel, and remembers being full of fear of the currents engulfing them onto the bottom of the Falls. She used to look at the fierce cover of the sea's current in wonders what was on the bottom of the whirlpools. She created a story in her mind and thought about her thoughts often.
She put her thoughts on the back burner, as she grew into her life as a wife, a mother, and a business owner. She continued writing many stories in her own trade of comfort. A day on the ocean reminded her of the love for her ocean's tales. The story about Reversing Falls pulled its way back in her mind. She went home and started writing the first of the Trilogy "Reversing Worlds."
She chose not to tell a soul what she was working on, not even her husband that couldn't figure out the late nights of typing on the computer. Where as, she knew that the ones closest to her knew that she suffered with dyslexia, and what she thought would be a laughing matter, turned out as shocked of her many imaginable sense of the ocean.
J.T knew that writing this book would prove to herself that she could share her stories, even if it did take a bit longer to do. Her loved ones was stunned to learn that she published her story. J.T looked at it in a way of self discovery, in hopes to encourage many others to stride towards their dreams. J.T didn't stop there, she continued on with the Trilogy series in hopes to finish the Trilogy in 2013.
J.T's love for equines traveled along with her life as she continued sharing her love for horses with her daughter. When her daughter was a little girl, J.T faced a tough loss within her barn family, her mare from childhood, she called "Gypsy" had passed on though old age. Devastated she put her pain into creating a children's book called "Gypsy's Meadow." She put it away in plans on never reading it again. Her daughter found herself in the same pain in loosing her equine friend "Bambi."
J.T was familiar with the pain that her daughter was going through and shared the story with her in hopes that it would help with her grieving process. Shortly after, they visited a local equine shelter "First Light Farm Equine Shelter." Listening to the horses stories reminded them both of their horses. J.T's daughter suggested for them to finish the book and donate the proceeds to the shelter so that the shelter was able to help more horses find rightful homes. J.T jumped on the board, knowing that her daughter's heart was in the right place, and had comfort knowing that their story would help many other horses fighting for life.
They finished the Children's story in February of 2012, as they are sharing the proceeds with the farm in hopes that some day the proceeds will grow enough to reach out to other shelters. "Maybe someday the book will bring peace to the horse's that face killpens." J.T shares.
In the mean time J.T. Brown is in hopes of publishing "Trilogy Two, Part II" of the Reversing Worlds Series by the Summer of 2012.

What inspires your writing?
Many years ago, I used to go fishing with my family on the “Marsha Darlene.” My
father was a lobster/crab fisherman that fished along the Bays of Fundy in
Downeast, Maine. As child I always feared a place in the ocean called the
“Reversing Falls.” Each and every time we passed through the harbor near the
Reversing Falls, all I could wonder was what was underneath all of those
remember sitting in my tree in the pasture where my horse grazed, as I wrote
many stories and drew many drawings. I mostly wrote about a land called
Reversing Worlds. I tucked it away, just for my own keeps. In my adulthood I
kept going back to writing through my many jobs of office assistant, dental
assistant, and co-owner of an Oil company with my husband. I remember enjoying
the nature walks with my family and always taking in all of the nature as
though it was a story in my mind. So many stories flourished and I needed to
write them down. My mind never settled unless, I wrote them down, or told them
to my children for their good night stories. It was as though I was a child
once again and found my original root. I love sharing stories and
bringing out the best of my surroundings. Living in Downeast, Maine makes it
easy to be a writer……So many mystical, mysterious, and wonderful stories to be
told that lay just beneath my feet.
What is your favorite thing about being an author?
A. Too
be honest with you, I never call myself an author. I am not sure why, I type it
out, but I have not yet been able to say it out loud. Maybe I haven’t had that
clarity or prosper yet. Someday, I will refer to myself as an author, but until
then a writer I shall be.
If I
could list one favorite thing about being a writer/author. Words cannot explain
the feeling of making a difference. As a mother and a writer, I always enjoy
when my children learn the right things in life. We never really want to push
them in any direction, but it is always nice when they learn something new.
Helping out with our local shelter, comforts my heart knowing that we can help
save one horse at a time. J I think through this venture, I had
a review: Here is a small piece as the rest of the review is on Amazon: “I
cried actual tears while reading this story to my son. When I asked him what he
thought of the book he said
Son: “Mom my heart hurts, I feel so bad for Gypsy that she had a bad life with
the other people that had her, but was so happy that she found a great home and
was happy when she died. He then went on to say he wishes he could save all the
horses that are unloved, unwanted and uncared for"
I then cried even more after hearing that. As my son really had a complete
understanding of how important it is to love and care for horses (all animals).
review made it real, my daughter and I read this one together, and looked over
at her and she had a smile and a tear in her eye, of course I was sobbing…..but
it is the moments like this that makes it all worthwhile. All the sleepless
night, no endless hours of editing, the frog in your throat moment, knowing a
new review is up. Moments like this makes me feel that my daughter learned the
best lesson in life at nine years old. And for that, I thank my lucky stars
every day.
What is the toughest part of being an author?
For me: The toughest, would be the endless editing with dyslexia, if only my
mind could dictate the story on paper. I am so thankful that I have a wonderful
editor to help me with putting my thoughts into words.
is being understood, from people that know me outside of being a writer. I
think in the long run, while you are chasing after your hopes, you intend to
realize who and what fits in your life. It saddens me, when I keep going
forward and the ones that don’t understand the change or the step that I took.
I don’t want to leave, but I also don’t want to stand still either. About a
year ago, I realized that these are my dreams, and I know why I am doing it –
it is because of my two children, they will always have me forever to hand off
to generation to generation- these are not other people’s dreams, and I can’t
stay the same for people that my dream is not shaped around. I came up with my
own quote, so the moments that my heart aches, I tell myself this (I know
quirky)…..”Never let anyone make you feel as though you are far too ordinary to
be extraordinary.”
If you could not be author, what would you do/be?
If I never followed my ambitions of being a writer, I would most
definitely find a way run a therapeutic center for disability children. I would
have gone to school to be a riding instructor for therapeutic riding and show
children the healing power of horses. If the dream reached me well, I would
have a camp for therapeutic reasons, a safe place for adults/children to grasp
the thoughts of reaching self-control through the wilderness and through the
eyes of an equine. Too learn the power of trust and the kind soul that a horse
can bring you.
What would the story of your life be entitled?
“Hopeless heart” - Meaning, I am not sure – but it seems to fit. J
What is your favorite book of all time?
“The Wizard of Oz”, my favorite.
Which character from ANY book are you most like?
Jo from “Little Women” I am the tom boy, the girl that is lost with no
direction. Still curious of everyday adventures, but deep down – I know what I
want I just don’t speak it until it’s told.
What character from all of your book are you most like?
Harper, as her true being in the real world. She reminds me of myself when I
was that age. Although, I think in today’s nature Queen Caroleen would suit me
best. Her wise ambitions and her positive directions.
Which book would you love to take a weekend vacation inside of?
A. Nim’s
What is your favorite season?
A.I love
this time of the year when the snow has come to its final resting spot inching
its way through the defrosted creeks. When the birds are singing, and the
crickets and frogs are chirping the night away. I love the fresh smell of the
air, you can almost smell a new beginning. Spring the season of hope, after a
long dark winter. The feeling of closing your eyes and sinking your hands into
the earth in hopes of creating something beautiful. The high energy of the
horses racing in the pasture snorting out the winter’s dust in their lungs. The
moment when you can open your windows and be part of nature once again.
What inspired your book cover(s)? Or what is your favorite book cover and
A. This
is actually my favorite part of publishing my books. I have designed them all
as well as the paintings in “Gypsy’s Meadow.” It is so easy to bleed the story
on your cover when you created the vision of the book. I have decided to create
custom covers for other indie authors to help them with their future endeavors.
Tell me something funny that happened while on a book tour or while promoting
your book.
We were
so excited to be part of Sharon’s work. It meant the world to us to have our
story spread that much further.
Are you working on something new?
Sure am, I have the next in the Trilogy coming out in June 2013. “War of the
Reversing Worlds, Trilogy Two, Part II,” I have been working hard with my
editor to make sure the book is at perfection before the big release.
Anything you want to say to followers of this blog or those that are just
stopping by?
A. I
would love to thank everyone for reading this interview, but also would like to
share a message…..
I didn’t
wake up one day wanting to be a writer, I should not be a writer, being
dyslexic and having no experience under my belt. I am crazy for doing anything
like this. What I do know, is when you are meant to do something in your life,
it follows you around, and every time you try to hide from it, it is still
there when a door slams you in the butt, and pushes you through the open door,
it still is there lurking- hinting, and telling you to keep going, even if you
truly feel as though it doesn’t make sense.
happens to all of us. Rather if it is a hobby, an interest, or a job. Never let
your star fall, it is there for a reason, only let it sail and enjoy the ride
in between. Writing is a part of me, and no matter how hard I try to run and
lead a normal life with sleep, sanity, and a little less criticism. These
thoughts and stories where not there for no reason, I hid behind my work for
many years. It was a little over a year ago when I saw the shining star through
my children’s eyes. The moment that we were able to save our first
horse through “Gypsy’s Meadow”, or the moment when my little boy opened my book
and said “Mama’s book.” Or the moment when I looked out the window seeing my
little girl sitting under a tree, with my first book, with a curious horse
lurking by her side. That is all the success that I need, these are treasures
maybe not to everyone but to the ones that I love the most to always treasure
as their stories.
Yes, sure
I would love to reach as many readers as possible, but when it comes down to
it, I think I already have, and that is my two children. Years after I am gone,
these books can be handed down, so for one moment to each new reader they know
a piece of their past. When my shining star began to rise in the
sky, I grabbed it and held it close to my heart. Someday I will let go of it,
but for now it just makes sense where it is.
So always
go after your ambitions and dreams, because when it comes down to it, the ones
that are closest to you, are the ones that fly with you, never let anything
stop you, keep going and know that the reasons that you try so hard is the
number one reason why you never stop.
Be your
own star…..
If I can
do anything with this adventure, it would be reaching out to people that need
reaching and saving a horse that needs saving.