When you're drowning, the last thing you do before you go unconscious is take a breath. The carbon dioxide rises so much in your blood it overpowers the last few molecules of oxygen in your body. You reach your breaking point, then you inhale. I inhaled food my whole life and I reached my breaking point in my battle with weight loss.
Right at the moment I was ready to give up, I had some last thoughts:
What if there were things I believed that weren't true? What if calories in and calories out had exceptions? What if we don't all metabolize food the same? Why can't we successfully lose weight and keep it off? I had to find out - my life depended on it. In my quest to break my weight loss code, the Buffer Zone is the space where I found my truth.
The Buffer Zone diet is the answer to all of these questions and more. In this book you will learn:
· The Top Ten lies we've been told about our diet
· Tips for distinguishing between emotional hunger and physical hunger
· How to create nutrient-dense meals to keep physical hunger at bay
· Science between weight loss and weight gain
· Five distinct blueprints for designing the new and healthiest you
· Strategies for breaking through weight loss plateaus
· The Four Laws of Weight Management
· And most importantly, the formula that regulates weight for the human body!
No matter where you are in your weight-loss journey or quest for a healthy lifestyle The Buffer Zone Diet is a must-read to help you get started on a path to success!
A great book for those that want to make healthier choices. It is important to focus on where you are at and where you want to go from there. This book helps anyone figure out how to eat better, exercise more effectively and live a better life for yourself. This book will be the focus of my future fitness and diet plan. My friend and I are going to really buckle down and this book will help us find the path to a better and more fulfilling life. I highly recommend this book no matter where you are on your fitness journey.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd