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As a mother your worse fear is losing a child, but what happens when the loss is not that of death, but of emotional and physical loss. Children will rebel and lose their way, but when the struggle to bring them back nearly breaks what lengths would you go to bring your child back? That is what the Tyler's have to grapple with in the novel IN LEAH'S WAKE. Heartbreaking and poignant this novel will force parents to look a bit closer, to love a bit more, to reflect on their own struggles of youth and offer understanding and insight to their children. I am still reeling from this novel. It will resonate with me for months to come. This debut novel from Terri Giuliano Long is a must read and earned a 4 stars rating.
Book Description
***Newly Edited by Sara-Jayne Slack, Inspired Quill Press (2/12)
- Recipient of the CTRR Award for excellence
- 2011 Book Bundlz Book Pick
- Book Bundlz 2011 Book Club Favorites - First Place
- Reviewer-nominated for 2012 Global eBook Awards
A Story of Love, Loss, Connection, and Grace
The Tylers have a perfect life—beautiful home, established careers, two sweet and talented daughters. Their eldest, Leah, an exceptional soccer player, is on track for a prestigious scholarship. Their youngest, Justine—more responsible than seems possible for her 12 years—just wants her sister’s approval. With Leah nearing the end of high school and Justine a seemingly “together” kid, the parents are set to enjoy a peaceful life…until Leah meets Todd, a high school dropout and former roadie for a rock band.
As Leah's parents fight to save their daughter from a world of drugs, sex, wild parties, their divided approach drives their daughter out of their home and a wedge into their marriage. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Justine observes her sister's rebellion from the shadows of their fragmented family - leaving her to question whether anyone loves her and if God even knows she exists.
Can this family survive in Leah’s wake?
Tracy Riva, Midwest Reviews, calls In Leah's Wake "an astounding story of a family in transition.”
When happens when love just isn't enough?

Terri Giuliano Long is a frequent blog guest. A contributing writer for IndieReader, she’s written for news and feature articles for numerous publications, including IndieReader, the Boston Globe and theHuffington Post. She lives with her family on the East Coast and teaches at Boston College. In Leah's Wake is her debut novel. For more information, please visit her website:
Connect with Terri!
Twitter: @tglong
Twitter: @tglong
Thank you so much for hosting me, Emily! It’s an honor to be
here today!
Q. What inspires your writing?
A. I grew up in the sixties and seventies, while women were
fighting for equal rights. As a young girl in a patriarchal Italian family, I
felt those struggles intensely. The prejudices faced by the family in the
play A Raisin in the Sunresonated with me. My novel-in-progress, Nowhere
to Run, deals with racism. While my struggles pale in comparison to those
faced by many African Americans and other groups, I feel that prejudices and
challenges are part of the human story; in stories about overcoming them, I find
hope and inspiration – and stories about facing adversity, good people
struggling to get by, inspire my writing.
Years ago, I wrote a series of feature articles about families
with drug- and alcohol-addicted teens. The moms talked candidly about their children,
their struggles. Their heartbreaking stories stayed with me. As a parent,
I knew how it felt to be scared, to be concerned for your children’s future.
Although I didn’t think about it at the time, I now see this as a primary
inspiration for In Leah’s Wake.
Q. What is your favorite thing about being an author?
A. I’m passionate about writing. I enjoy every aspect of
the process, from the initial burst of inspiration through the painstaking,
often frustrating, months or years of revision. But it’s that aha moment
that keeps me writing – that moment when the work suddenly comes together, you
understand what you’re writing about, you see the relationships among the
various parts – chapters and scenes – and the connections make sense. You feel
as though you’ve been through a storm; suddenly, the fog lifts and, for the
first time in a long time, the sun comes out.
Last year, my husband and I lived in California part time. In
southern CA, every day is sunny and gorgeous and warm. I always joke that in
New England we have three perfect days a year. But those days, because they’re
so rare, are magnificent. You feel optimistic, alive, bursting with energy.
Those aha moments make me feel the same way. I can’t imagine
not writing. Writing transports me. I lose myself in the process.
Q. What is the toughest part of being an author?
A. The toughest is marketing. To succeed today, whether
indie or traditionally published, authors must take responsibility for
marketing their work. While I enjoy reaching out and connecting with people,
I’m uncomfortable with calling attention to myself.
For six months after publishing In Leah’s Wake, I
did no marketing at all. Not even my parents knew that I had published the
book. Naturally, I sold very few copies. Realizing that I could either market
or watch my book die, I held my nose and jumped in. I enjoy hosting fun,
creative activities – games and contests, for instance – that market while
giving back to participants. I’ve also given away over 300 paperbacks and 500
eBooks. This builds name recognition without me tweeting or posting about my
book 24/7 and I think people appreciate this. I also try to support other
authors. Reaching out to people--building connections and enhancing
relationships--makes marketing enjoyable.
Q. If you could not be author, what would you do/be?
A. I can’t imagine not writing. I’ve been writing throughout my
entire career and I’ve taught writing for 16 years. Years ago, I taught
aerobics and, at one point, I managed a fitness department at a health club.
Even then I wrote – I edited a journal for fitness professionals and wrote a
fitness column for the regional paper. I’m a passionate traveler and foodie. If
I were not a fiction writer, I might be a travel or food writer. Whatever
I did, I’m sure it would somehow involve writing.
Q. What would the story of your life be entitled?
A. It would be The Little Engine That Could,
like the book. In Leah’s Wake is a quiet literary novel. When I began
marketing, a former agent told me she’d found the book boring and assured me
that I’d never sell 1000 copies (my goal). I was distraught; had I not been in
the midst of a blog tour, I probably would have taken the book off the shelf.
The bloggers had been gracious enough to read my novel and give me a spot on
their blogs; I felt I owed it to them to finish the tour. There were many days
when I questioned myself, wondering why I’d published the book. Those four
words, I think I can, drove me on. I’ve done this same thing many
times in many situations throughout my life and it’s always paid off in some
way. If you think you can—accomplish whatever your goal—you’re right. You truly
Q. What is your favorite book of all time?
A. The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. This powerful novel
transports us to a harsh post-apocalyptic world, where humans have been reduced
to animal instinct—for the inhabitants of this world, murder and cannibalism
are a means of survival.
In this unforgiving environment, McCarthy gives us a tender,
elegantly rendered father and son. In their travels, the man and his son meet
horrific challenges and hardships, yet they face each challenge with dignity
and grace. Near death,
the man says to his son: "You have my whole heart. You
always did.” Years after reading the novel, the love of this father and
son—their amazing bond—awes and inspires me. This stunning work ends
unexpectedly, with a promise of rebirth and renewal.
Q. Which part of your book(s) was the easiest to write?
A. The first draft. I wrote the first
draft for my MFA thesis, so I was under the gun. The writing was dreadful, but
it was a breathy 3-month process; when I finished, I knew the characters and
the novel had a general shape. It was an adventure, and I loved every minute.
This isn’t usually the case for me. Generally, I’d much rather revise than face
a blank screen. It was a struggle to write the first draft of my new
novel, Nowhere to Run. Every book is different. That’s part of what
makes the process so exciting!
Q. Which part of your book(s) was the hardest to write?
A. For me, sustaining belief—not in the project, but in myself—was
and is, by far, the biggest challenge. I wonder if I’m on the right track,
constantly second-guess myself. I’ve taught writing for 16
years, and this is my first book. There were many nights – and days – when I
wondered what I was doing, and I seriously considered giving up. Dory, the
little blue surgeonfish in the film Finding Nemo, says, “Just kept
swimming.” That really is what I’ve done.
Q. Which character from any book are you
most like?
A. I don’t really see myself as a character outside myself.
Maybe Wendy Darling in Peter Pan. Like Wendy, I was the eldest
child and I grew up feeling a sense of responsibility. I love Wendy’s sense of
adventure. She wants to be a mom and mothers the Lost Boys, but she’s also
feisty and adventurous.
Q. Which character from YOUR book(s) are you most like?
A. I don’t identify with or consider myself much like any
of the characters - although part of me lives in all of them. As writers, we’re
like method actors - when I write, I inhabit my characters. I reach down into
myself and imagine – if I were this person, faced with this set of
circumstances – how I might act or react. This helps me achieve authenticity.
It also helps me empathize. All my characters are flawed; no one is entirely
good or bad. They all have good and bad traits; while they make mistakes and
often make bad decisions, at heart they’re decent people. I can relate to their
struggles - and I hope readers can too.
Q. What is your favorite season?
A. On a bright sunny day, any season feels perfect. I’ve
spent much of my life in the Boston area and currently live in Vermont. There
is nothing quite as stunning as a clear fall day in New England, with the warm
sun and colorful leaves. But spring is my favorite. In spring, as the days get
longer, I feel hopeful and alive.
Q. Tell me something funny that happened while on a book
tour or while promoting your book(s).
A. At a reading in Ann Arbor, a seventy-year-old woman
raved about In Leah’s Wake and said it should be required
reading in every high school. I was and am deeply touched by this. A day later,
an Amazon reviewer called In Leah’s Wake the most boring book
she’d ever had the misfortune of reading. To me, this is interesting because
the responses are so far apart and funny because of the irony - it’s such a
great lesson in why we should never allow good reviews to go to (or bad reviews
get into) our head.
Q. Are you working on something new?
A. I’m currently at work on a psychological thriller with a
historical twist. Nowhere to Run takes place in the White
Mountains in northern New Hampshire.
After the brutal unsolved murder of her six-year-old daughter,
award-winning writer Abby Minot had put her laptop away. A year later, emerging
from a deep depression, she accepts her first assignment, a human-interest
story on the wealthy and powerful Chase clan, the immediate family of Matthias
Chase—a wildly popular congressman from northern New Hampshire.
Congressman Chase—a self-described "new Republican,"
fiscally conservative, socially just—has built his platform on unsubstantiated
claims that his ancestors were abolitionists. When a subterranean chamber is
discovered under a barn on the family property, the Chase estate is declared an
official stop on the Underground Railroad. Soon after, Chase launches a
campaign for the presidency.
After accepting the assignment, Abby and her two surviving
children travel to the Chase estate in the White Mountains for a month-long
stay. In her initial research, she glimpses darkness under the shiny veneer.
Digging deeper, she uncovers a shocking web of lies and betrayal, dating back
to the nineteenth century. Abby soon finds herself trapped-between an editor
obsessed with uncovering the truth and the town and family who will stop at
nothing to ensure it stays hidden.
Q. Anything you want to say to followers of this blog or
those that are just stopping by?
A. Thank you! Time is precious, and you have millions of
rich, entertaining, beautiful books to choose from. I appreciate your interest
in mine. For me, connecting with readers is the most important reason for
writing. I’d love to hear from you! Here are a few places where we can connect:
Glad you enjoyed the book :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much for this wonderful review! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the book. That it resonated with you means a lot to me. I'm touched!
ReplyDeleteIt's an honor to be here today! Thank you so much for hosting me!
Warmest wishes,
Sounds like a great book! I will be adding it to my TBR list. :)