Feminasty: The Complicated Woman's Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death
Erin Gibson
HARDCOVER BOOK - 1455571865 / 9781455571864
ELECTRONIC BOOK - 1455571881 / 9781455571888
Available wherever books are sold September 04, 2018
Feminasty: The Complicated Woman's Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death by Erin Gibson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was just what I needed. It was super funny and shed light on woman's issues in a way that was raw, honest and original! Gibson is not afraid to tell it how it is. She helps enlighten and empower woman at every opportunity! By bringing to light the ways woman are depicted, controlled and manipulated she is telling all of us that it is not OK. We can do better, be better. Gibson has found a way to really make you think about these issues and to take action! A must read for all!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was just what I needed. It was super funny and shed light on woman's issues in a way that was raw, honest and original! Gibson is not afraid to tell it how it is. She helps enlighten and empower woman at every opportunity! By bringing to light the ways woman are depicted, controlled and manipulated she is telling all of us that it is not OK. We can do better, be better. Gibson has found a way to really make you think about these issues and to take action! A must read for all!
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A collection of hilarious personal essays and political commentary from the charming, feminist and wickedly funny creator and host of the "Throwing Shade" podcast and TV Land show.
"Am I allowed to do this?
Most of my decisions in life have been preceded by this question.
Some of the rules women are expected to follow are obvious... DON'T: be loud/muscular/good at math... DO: be helpful/have babies/smile. Some are ambiguous and subjective."
Erin Gibson has a plan for women to make our future the one Beyonce already thinks we have. In --titled after her nickname on "Throwing Shade"--she has written a collection of make-you-laugh-until-you-cry essays that expose the hidden rules that make life as a woman harder and deconstructs them in a way that's bold and funny and provocative. Whether it's shaming women for having their periods, allowing them into STEM fields but never treating them like they truly belong, or dictating strict rules for how they should dress in every situation, Erin feels that oppression is both organized and chaotic, purposeful and unintentional. That doesn't make it impossible to dismantle, it just means we have to recognize and destroy the problems one by one. In FEMINASTY she will start the revolution.
Emmy-nominated Southern loudmouth Erin Gibson is an expert at mixing social commentary, political satire, and vagina jokes into neat little comedy packages. Based in Los Angeles, she's one half of the Throwing Shade empire, which includes an award winning political absurdist comedy podcast, international live touring show, the Funny or Die web series and a TV Land late night show. She developed her social commentary chops as the host of "Modern Lady" and sharpened them writing and directing political sketches for Funny or Die, where you've seen her impersonate terrible women like Michele Bachmann, Megyn Kelly, Michelle Duggar and Ivanka Trump. She also created the long running Emmy-nominated "Gay of Thrones" starring her real-life hair stylist, Jonathan Van Ness. Feminasty is her debut book of comedic essays.
WEBSITE: https://www.feminasty.com
FACEBOOK: @gibblertron
TWITTER: @gibblertron
INSTAGRAM: @gibbletron
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