Beloved by literary types as well as everyday writers, gardeners and dreamers, Emily Dickinson is a seminal American poet and household name. This lovely journal includes a three-part binding with mustard-colored cloth spine, delicately lined pages and a yellow ribbon marker. Replicas of Dickinson's own pressed-flower collection adorn the front and back covers.The interior pages feature a single specimen on every other spread, sixty images in total, and six of Emily Dickinson's richest garden and plant-inspired poems interspersed throughout 160 pages.
MY REVIEW: What better place of me to share my love of writing than within a book showcasing my all time favorite poet, my poet heroine, Emily Dickinson. Within this notebook you will see some beautiful images of pressed flowers and 6 of Dickinson's poems that highlight gardens and plants. I just love how stunning this journal is. I cannot wait to reboot my love of gardening and plants and my love of writing poetry in this must have journal.

Garden Insects and Bugs
My Nature Sticker Activity Book
$ 7.99
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They are often so small that you hardly notice them, but all kinds of amazing creatures share our gardens: from ladybugs, butterflies, and dragonflies to spiders, bees, and beetles, garden insects play an important role in nature and are fascinating to observe. Did you know that there are beetles that eat cow dung, or that flies love to clean themselves? Are you surprised to learn that there's lots of life in a dead tree?
MY REVIEW: This sticker book is a walk through the garden teaching the reader to looker closer at the insects and bugs within the garden and those that may be surrounding it. The reader also gets to learn all about the critters in the garden. There are beautiful and colorful stickers and illustrations that allow the reader to interact with the book while learning about insects and bugs and the glory of nature. There are also some places where the reader can color the pictures, as well as place stickers based on the instructions. It is a delightful and fun way to learn about insects and bug. I highly recommend this for spring and summer fun or for long car kids, as the kids will stay entertained!

In the Ocean
My Nature Sticker Activity Book
$ 7.99
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The world's oceans are home to many different species and plants, from tiny organisms like plankton to the world's largest animal, the blue whale. Deep down in the seas�� depth, you will even find some monstrous-looking creatures that seem to have come straight out of a fairy tale. Did you know, for example, that male anglerfish feed on the female's blood? And is it true that the giant clam can trap a diver's leg? Or have you ever heard of fish that hitch a ride on sharks?
MY REVIEW: I am fascinated with the ocean. I love how much beauty and splendor is contained within it's vastness. I love watching shows on the ocean, reading about the ocean and learning all I can about all the creatures; big and small, that live within it. This sticker book is a collection of beautiful and colorful stickers and illustrations that allow the reader to interact with the book while learning about all sorts of facts about ocean and the creatures that call it home. There are also some places where the reader can color the pictures, as well as place stickers based on the instructions. It is a delightful and fun way to learn about the ocean. I highly recommend this for spring and summer fun or for long car kids, as the kids will stay entertained! |
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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd