
Friday, August 25, 2023

#MMBBR #Showcase #FirstLine #TheBoyWithTheFasterBrain by @petershankman via @thetrinakayeorganization

#FirstLine ~”Again?!”

Your child isn’t broken! Transform your child’s ADHD into a superpower that will turbocharge how they learn, think, and grow!

Peter Shankman realized a long time ago that his ADHD was responsible for most, if not all of his success. After starting and selling three companies and writing five best-selling books (including Faster Than Normal, which in five years has become the bible of ADHD and productivity), Peter decided it was time to write a book that focused on children—one that would teach them that ADHD, and all forms of neurodiversity, can be gifts, and not a curse—as long as they understand how to use them. That’s what this book is about. Come meet Peter, his mom and dad, and Dr. Lisa, and understand why having a faster brain is the best thing that a child could ask for.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd