
Thursday, March 19, 2020

#Reviews #MMBBR #SelfCare #JOMO #TheNoWorriesWorkbook #TheSelfCarePlanner thanks to @SimonBooks for providing the #reviewcopies

If you are anything like me you view January (and maybe February) as a trial period for implementing new things and becoming a better person. We come into the New Year with lots of great ideas. We are pumped for change and ready to do better. Deep down want to change, but we always give ourselves an escape clause.  I think New Year's Resolutions often fail because we try to do too much too quickly or do things without really thinking about why we are REALLY doing them or we do them with the wrong motivations.

I believe it can feel like a really big deal to try new things and to create new habits. It also takes concerted effort, lots of of work and determination. So, we quickly revert back to our old and comfortable habits. I have learned that it is easier when you follow well thought out plans with great insights and research.

The books listed below have something for everyone! These books create an easy outline to do things that make your life more meaningful. They also have ideas to enhance activities, relationships, interactions and so much more. With the enhancements you will learn through these amazing books you can find new ways to add more true depth and more meaning in your life.

Additionally, with COVID-19 out there looming, now is the best time to grab these books and take good care of yourself through this very uncertain and difficult time!!!

I highly recommend all of these titles. The books are more than just life boosters, they are more like life changers!!!!


JOMO by Jessica Misener
If you have the opposite of FOMO, this is the book for you. In JOMO, (aka, Joy of Missing Out), Misener details 350 brilliant ideas for staying in and remaining comfy, cozy, and content at home. Tips range from Host a Horror Movie Night or Slow Down With the Five Senses, to DIY a Spa Night or Have an At-Home Date Night! Use the activities in this book to save money by having fun at home instead of paying to go out, or tap into your introvert tendencies and spice up your night on the couch! It’s the perfect book for cancelling plans and having a relaxing night at home. 

The No Worries Workbook

The No Worries Workbook by Molly Burford
From global warming to social anxiety (and everything in-between), there is a lot to worry about right now- but author Molly Burford is here to help you cope with your worries in a healthy, productive way. Featuring more than 120 coping exercises- from creative activities to journal prompts to cognitive exercises- The No Worries Workbook helps you redirect when you feel the worries piling on.

Instead of focusing on why you worry, this guide provides exercises that place the emphasis on what to do about it. Hands-on activities refocus your attention away from unproductive thoughts, like Rearrange Your Room or Draw Your Dream Job, or help you practice mindfulness like Color Your Way to Calm and Take Belly Breaths. Get out of your head and get on with your life! 

 The Self-Care Planner

The Self-Care Planner by Meera Lester
Track your wellness goals with The Self-Care Planner! If you’re having trouble making time in your busy schedule to take care of yourself, or if you’re trying to understand what method of self-care works best for you, this is the book you need.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd