
Thursday, May 9, 2019

#MMBBR #Review #Giveaway @NationalGeographic #NatGeoKidsAlmanac via #partner @mediamastersbks and @NGKids who provided a #free #reviewcopy


This May National Geographic Kids releases a very special 10th anniversary edition of its New York Times best-selling almanac for kids: National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020 (May 7, 2019, Ages 8-12; 352 pages).

Hailed by School Library Journal as “one of the leaders in the world of almanacs”  this year’s edition features all-new content, interviews with renowned National Geographic explorers in each chapter, a special look at what was going on in the world when the first National Geographic Kids Almanac came out 10 years ago, plus the results of the 2019 Almanac Challenge — Lions Forever Poster Contest — and a new challenge for kids who want to get involved with helping our planet.

The best-selling kids’ almanac ON THE PLANET is packed with hundreds of photos and facts, crafts and fascinating features about animals, science, nature, technology, conservation and more. For book lovers and reluctant readers alike, the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020 is a compelling and balanced combination of:
* Fun and games, including activities, jokes, quizzes and comics
Practical resources, including homework help and fast facts and maps of every country
* Exciting sections on pop culture, cool technology, extreme exploration and more
Lighthearted favorites like the “Cutest Animals of 2020!”

However, in addition to not only being fun and educational, the National Geographic Kids Almanac is also designed to inspire young readers to be the change they want to see in the world around them, encouraging them to become more involved environmentally, socially and in other ways.  In this year’s edition, National Geographic Kids launches the 20/20 Visionary Challenge, asking readers to imagine the world 10 years from now and to picture a positive change, invention or discovery they’d like to see become reality, in whatever area interests them: animals, people, places, science, technology or beyond — the sky’s the limit! Kids will be able to read some of their great ideas in next year’s Almanac 2021.

Another source of inspiration? The real-life National Geographic explorers who are the cornerstone of National Georgraphic’s philosophy and mission.  The 2020 edition highlights many of them including Christine Chen, a geologist and climate scientist; Katey Walter Anthony, an aquatic ecosystem ecologist; and Kakani Katija, a bioengineer to name just a few profiled. 

Information on how to submit 20/20 Visionary Challenge entries, as well as other digital extras, can be found at Spreads which show the depth, breadth and reader-friendly layout of the almanac can be viewed > HERE.


 As a special way to celebrate the 10th anniversary edition
 of the Almanac,  Nat Geo is hosting a Summer on the Go 
Almanac 2020 Grand Prize Giveaway — a GO-PRO!

Enter : HERE   

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd