
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

#MMBBR #Review #IWillRaceYouThroughThisBook by @JonathanFenske AND #UpUpUpDown by @boniashburn and #KimberlyGee via #partner @penguinrandom #PenquinYoungReaders who provided a #free #reviewcopies


See if you can beat Book-It Bunny in a reading race! 

This easy-to-read adventure breaks the fourth wall as Book-It Bunny challenges the reader to race her to the end of the story. But with distractions and tricks up her sleeve along the way, the competition becomes both fierce and funny at the same time. On your mark, get set, read!

I Will Race You Through This Book!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A darling book that will have new and emergent readers burning through the pages to beat bunny to the end. With fun illustrations and simple rhyming text kids and parents alike will love reading this book aloud! Such fun!



Follow an energetic toddler's day with Dad that's full of opposites - up and down, make and break, yum and yuck, and more. 

From his first demand to be picked up and then immediately put down, opposites pop up all day long for this energetic boy. Breakfast is no, no, no, yes! At the sandbox, it's make, make, make, break! And jumping into the pool goes from can't, can't, can't, to can!

Kimberly Gee's expressive illustrations emphasize the loving connection between a boy and his father in this clever concept book about everyday highs and lows that is sure to entertain little (and big!) members of the family.

Up, Up, Up, Down!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A cute story for children and their father's! A day of fun in the story allows young ones to learn opposites! A cute story that would make a great Father's Day gift!



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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd