
Friday, December 7, 2018

#MMBBR #ReviewRoundUp #HolidayGiftGuide via #partner @NatGeo @NGKids @MediaMastersP who provided #free #reviewcopies

The Nebula Secret (Explorer Academy, #1)The Nebula Secret by Trudi Trueit
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

#FirstLine ~ "Cruz!"

This book is so great for kids. It is a wild and action-packed adventure that kids (and parents) will love. I adore that The Nebula Secret is book one of seven to be released in this series brand new Explorer Academy Series. The book is based on real-life science, exploration and mission of the National Geographic Society. This is what sets Nat Geo apart from others. With the action packed adventure, code breaking and exploration this group of students will attend the Explorers Academy and get to really dive into a thrilling quest. All kids will be able to relate to the characters, will get immersed in the science and will love traveling the world. This series will be a hit and we cannot wait to continue on the adventures.

Ultimate Predatorpedia: The Most Complete Predator Reference EverUltimate Predatorpedia: The Most Complete Predator Reference Ever by Christina Wilsdon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is quite speculator! Within this amazing book there are hundreds of photos of some of the coolest things about predators. In addition to all the fabulous photos, there are facts and tidbits galore. While you peruse the book you can look through the chapters and read things that interest you the most. The chapters are: Discovering Predators, Predatory Mammals, Predatory Birds, Predatory Reptiles and Amphibians, Predatory Fish and Predatory Invertebrates. When this book arrived my son was instantly reading it bouncing from topic to topic...all I heard was "Did you know that...." followed by some amazing factoids and "Wow, look at this..." followed by me looking at some crazy cool things. These are the type of books that capture the attention of young readers because they have amazing vibrant photos and fun facts. I love that I can trust that my child will be learning interesting and important facts and that their attention will be captured over the winter with this book. Every time you open it up you read you learn something new. This will be a staple read for my boys over the winter!

Weird But True 10Weird But True 10 by National Geographic Kids
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is FANTASTIC. I could not stop reading it and both my boys thought is was super cool too! Did you know that it's illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub in Arizona, USA and opossums are about the size of a grain of rice at birth and that 14 babies can fit in a teaspoon?!?!!! So cool right! In this book you will read about 350 outrageous wild, and out of this world weird but true facts. This book has all the things that I love about National Geographic...the amazing photos, great tidbits and facts, as well as the well written factfinder located in the back of the book. 5 stars

National Geographic Kids Why Not?: Over 1,111 Answers to EverythingNational Geographic Kids Why Not?: Over 1,111 Answers to Everything by Crispin Boyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Why can't planes hover like helicopters? Why don't we have robotic buddies yet? Why isn't Donkey Kong a donkey? All the answers to these questions and hundreds more are contained in this AMAZING book that is a must for all children that are curious and want to know the answers to WHY or Why Not??? My kids are going to love this book and I am sure that I will get quizzed on many of the questions inside this book! It will be awesome to learn about all these things along side my children. This will be a memorable gift for the kids for Christmas! 5 stars

Fly with Me: A Celebration of Birds Through Pictures, Poems, and StoriesFly with Me: A Celebration of Birds Through Pictures, Poems, and Stories by Jane Yolen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Any child that has any interest in poetry, pictures, stories and loves birds (which let's be honest, that is everyone) and appreciates the beauty of nature needs this book! It book has both breathtaking photos and the poems and stories are just stunning! I don't think that I can truly capture the absolute beauty that is in this book! The photos...seriously...I can get lost inside them. I love the accompanying information that takes you further into the beauty and splendor of nature and the completely breathtaking beauty of birds! 5 stars!

To the Moon and Back: My Apollo 11 AdventureTo the Moon and Back: My Apollo 11 Adventure by Buzz Aldrin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am so excited to work through this book with my kiddos. What makes this book so cool is that it is SO different than other books. You will find the pop-up pictures to take your imagination to the next level, but there is more...lots more. There is information on the Apollo 11 crew and everything you ever wanted to know about the first humans on the moon. This book is filled with pictures, stories and so much more. I am always looking for ways to keep the learning going over the winter months. This book is going to be a HUGE hit! It is a super interactive and engaging book and has bright and colorful photos that literally pop off the page. Adults and kids alike will get lost looking at the pictures and learning so much cool and interesting information. So awesome!!! 5 HUGE stars

The Poetry of Us: More Than 200 Poems That Celebrate the People, Places, and Passions of the United StatesThe Poetry of Us: More Than 200 Poems That Celebrate the People, Places, and Passions of the United States by J. Patrick Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book poem is AMAZING...the pictures, the words dancing along the pages allowing the reader to be introduced to so many parts of the US in this reading sensation. This book is sheer joy, love and smiles from cover to cover!!! This book focuses on the need to understand the diversity of the US, to embrace the all the people and to take care of the country we live in. This book highlights every part of the US...let that sink in...that is no small feat. This book is such a gift to the world to showcase and highlight this amazing country for future generations to see. With 200 poems and pictures to see within this book and they are all stunning, vibrant and awe inspiring. I have never really seen a book like this before and that is what makes it so special. This book is a MUST for everyone to own a is really that wonderful. Buy it, you won't regret it...I PROMISE!

Solve This!: Wild and Wacky Challenges for the Genius Engineer in YouSolve This!: Wild and Wacky Challenges for the Genius Engineer in You by Joan Marie Galat
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this book so much because not only does it cause the reader to learn to problem solve, but it does so in such a fun and innovative way. It has super funny, entertaining and wacky challenges that puts your mind to the test. You will have hours of fun coming up with ways to solve the challenges. This book makes an amazing gift and is one of those books that is wonderful for kids and parents to work their way through together. I cannot wait to give this book to the boys for Christmas. I see lots of fun in our future as we put our minds together and make some amazing memories.

Dog Science Unleashed: Fun Activities to Do with Your Canine CompanionDog Science Unleashed: Fun Activities to Do with Your Canine Companion by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My dog is seriously my favorite ever. I loved this book so much and I cannot wait to work my way through the 22 activities with my pup! I am constantly wanting to know what she is thinking, feeling and why she acts the way so does. I want to really understand her so that her life can be the best. She has brought me so much joy and I want nothing more than to give her back all the joy she has given me. I know that every dog lover will want this book. It allows the reader to understand our canine companions through activities, information, additional reading suggestions and research revealed. A total hit!

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd