
Saturday, August 18, 2018

#MMBBR #Review #BitterAndSweet by @sandravfeder‏ via #partner @GroundwoodBooks who provided a #free #reviewcopy



My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is perfectly titled. This book highlights the bitter and sweet moments of a move. I love that it allows dialogue for children to express their bitterness. I love that it allows a child to express it, knowing that bitterness is a normal emotion that needs to be worked through. But after the bitterness passes, sweetness can come in new and unexpected ways. A story that can help bridge a conversation for families facing a move.


When Hannah’s family has to move, her grandmother tells her how she felt leaving the old country — it was both bitter and sweet. As Hannah leaves her friends behind and tries to get used to a new house, she only feels bitterness. Was her grandmother wrong about the sweetness? Hannah starts to feel better about the move when she sees her new house in the soft light of the Shabbat candles. When a new friend reaches out with a special gift, Hannah realizes that sweetness can come from unexpected places and she finally feels ready to look for the sweet again. 


Author of the acclaimed, The Moon Inside, and the popular Daisy series of children’s books, Sandra’s books address universal themes and help children feel empowered through stories that are specific, characters that are genuine, and deeper meanings that are revealed slowly and beautifully. 

Sandra has been a volunteer in her children’s schools, in a library, and is a founding team member of a new high school. Sandra, who has worked with children of all ages and their parents, has seen many children struggle with change and hopes her story will help young readers accept change, so that they  are better able to cope with the bitter and embrace the sweet. You can find more information about Sandra at:


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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd