
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

#MMBBR #TheMuseumofBrokenRelationships #OlinkaVistica #DrazenGrubisic @AmazonPub #GrandCentralPublishing


My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book would make a fantastic gift this Christmas. It is filled with so much heart and left me so happy and changed. I loved looking at all the items in the book and reading the little stories next to the photos. It was such an endearing, moving, heartbreaking, inspiring and, at times, strange look into the things we hold dear, the things that change us and the things that sometimes put us back together. You are in for a treat when you read this book and it will be one of those books that you will come back to again and again and again. I just loved this book, such a delight and so very original.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd