
Thursday, September 1, 2016

#MMBBR #REVIEW TIME For Kids Almanac 2017 @timeforkids


The TIME For Kids Almanac 2017 presents current news, notable events and fascinating facts curated from TIME For Kids popular magazine in a fun, interactive and relevant way for today's savvy kids. Organized thematically, the TIME For Kids Almanac 2017 covers the following subjects: Animals and the Environment, Arts and Entertainment, History, Sports, Health and Body, and Science and Technology. This must–have resource for everything kids want to know is packed with over 600 photos, maps, and timelines that will keep readers engaged and learning for hours at a time. 

This book is quite speculator! Within this amazing book there are hundreds photos of some of the coolest things to grab our attention for 2017. In addition to all the fabulous photos, there are facts and tidbits galore. While you peruse the book you can look through the chapters and read things that interest you the most. The chapters are: A Look Back, Animals, Art, Body and Health, Books, Calendars and Holidays, Computers and Games, Countries, Energy and Environment, Entertainment, Geography, History, Inventions and Technology, Science, Space, Sports and The United States.  When this book arrived my son was instantly reading it bouncing from topic to topic...all I heard was "Did you know that...." followed by some amazing factoids and "Wow, look at this..." followed by me looking at some crazy cool things. These are the type of books that capture the attention of young readers because they have amazing vibrant photos with fun facts, game, puzzles and digital extras. I love that I can trust that my child will be learning interesting and important facts and that their attention will be captured over the summer with this book. Every time you open it up you read you learn something new. This will be a staple read for my boys over the summer! 5 stars 

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd