
Thursday, August 11, 2016

#MMBBR #Showcase William Dickie's new collection "A Window to the Soul" @AuthorWDickie

A Window to the Soul

Excerpt from the poem “Creators Dreaming” from my book “A Window to the Soul”
“To allow your heart and head to ponder
 To let your eyes, feast on the wonder
 Your mind in awe of its surroundings 
 None will falter there”

Q.  What inspires your writing?
A. What inspires me to write is life, I know this sounds a little cliché, but it is true, life that goes on all around me. People, places, nature, love, these are all drivers for me, and when they combine its even more inspiring, when I am in nature and I see two people walking hand in hand clearly in love, then this inspire me. Animals, trees, water especially rivers and all the life in them on them and even surrounds them. But when that flow of love comes from within me and the words just seem to print themselves that can also be very inspiring.

Q.  What is your favourite thing about being a writer?
A. My favourite thing about being a writer, is that I can express on paper what I feel as best I can, to get out of me what is within, what a joy that is. It actually connects me more to my surroundings than anything else I am aware of for me.

Q.  What is the toughest part of being a writer?
A. Finding the words, the right words to truly say what you mean, or feel, this is the hardest thing for me, I get quite disappointed with myself if I am unable to find the words that best describe what I am trying to write about, it niggles me until I correct it,

Q.  If you could not be writer, what would you do/be?
A. I have been many things in my life, I am a tradesman, I have been a teacher, I have been an international traveller, working in the Oil and Gas industry, I never got tired of using helicopters as taxi’s to my work. Now I am having difficulty wishing to be anything else other than a writer, in fact the cheeky answer to your question would be, “A better writer”.

Q.  What would the story of your life be entitled?
A. That’s a really good question, and I have never really thought about. How about “ How lucky am I”, or “The chase for enlightenment”. Both quite good titles I think.

Q.  What is your favourite book of all time?
A. Another great question, I have read so many, and to be honest it is very difficult for me to answer. I often go back and read books again months or even years later, and discover many new things that are contained within the words, I find as I change, the information I get from the books I read changes also. It would probably be “Stranger by the River” by Paul Twitchel

Q.  Which character from ANY book are you most like?
A. To be honest I don’t know if I can really answer that, I am a little bit Peter Pan, which has my imagination, Scottish warrior, which houses my passion and no fear thinking, and a touch of Indigenous Indian with respect for all life, old ways of survival thrown in. A bit of a mix there. 

Q.  What character from all of your book are you most like?
A. The poem titled “The Mirror” would be a good indication of what I am like.

Q.  Which book would you love to take a weekend vacation inside of?
A. “The last of the Mohicans”

Q.  What is your favourite season?
A. This would have to be spring, to feel and smell all the new growth that is promised just before it happens, to feel nature waking up, almost like giving the place a good shake, ready for the trees and the animals to wake up from winters survival. It gives me renewed energy and also reminds me that we are all part of this process of renewal, we are not separated from it, but are very much included in it. Quite an amazing feeling when you think about it.

Q.  What inspired your book cover(s)?  Or what is your favourite book cover and why?
A. My book cover was painted by a good Artist friend of mine, her name is Farzaneh Shomali, from Iran. I met her in Dubai when I was working in Oman. My poem the Mirror inspired her to paint it. We had a very good connection, which I think shows up very well in her artwork.

Q.  Tell me something funny that happened while on a book tour or while promoting your book.
A.  My Scottish accent sometimes gets carried away when I narrate my poetry, it’s all part of my rhythm of reading / writing my work. Of course I usually get a good indication that this has happened when I see the puzzled look on the audience faces, letting me know that I have just confused them more than usual. As I know live in Australia you can understand what I mean. Quite often this would bring a wry smile and a witty comment from me, inviting the audience to laugh with me, reminding them that I will read the poem again, only this time a bit more coherently.

Q.  Are you working on something new?
A. Yes I am writing new poetry all the time, I am currently writing poetry to combine with imagery, my father is a great photographer, and I am using his images to write poetry for. I have also used Farzaneh’s other paintings to do this also. If there is a connection with the person or place it usually inspires me to write something relevant, to the picture, as I see it.

Q.  Anything you want to say to followers of this blog or those that are just stopping by?

A.  Thanks for the opportunity to answer some very good questions, I hope the answers I have given help in people understanding who I am a bit more. Of course this is such a short piece to get to know anyone, it is far better to actually read the poetry, and feedback directly. I am always learning, and always willing to listen and learn about the art of writing, wither that is poetry or short stories or a simple verse on a card. I believe we can all do this, it took me 55 years to give it a try, maybe someone reading this can consider having a go themselves. If it comes from the heart it can’t be wrong.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd