
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

#MMBBR Self Help Round-Up

Get a GOOD JOB, Make MORE MONEY, Make a DIFFERENCE. Indispensable, quick and easy to read, Smile & Succeed for Teens is the ultimate teenage success guide. Developed by a team of students, parents and educators, this award-winning book gives teens the tools
and confidence they need to succeed. The solution to get your teens to
put down the electronics (and feel good about it!), make eye contact,
and have a conversation.

"My teenage sons have been reading your book and it was their idea!"
--Jennifer Holden, Mother

"It definitely has the potential to be a total life changing book..."
--The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Succeed in School, Work, and Life
Imagine having a handbook, a simple yet extremely effective tool, to ensure you
succeed and become all you want to be. Packed with indispensable tips,
proven techniques, and must-do now strategies, Smile & Succeed for
 generates immediate results for teen success.

A must-read for teenagers to master valuable social skills, prepare for a job, and
get a head start in a career. Perfect for teens looking for a job,
working, starting their own business, volunteering, or applying to
college. In an entertaining style, Smile & Succeed for Teens helps
teens improve self-esteem and confidence, meet new friends, get along
with adults and customers, interview like a pro and get that job,
overcome stress, and volunteer like a rock star.

Develop customer service, sales, and communication skills to succeed on the job. Be
comfortable selling and fundraising. Become a successful young
entrepreneur. Enjoy volunteering and working more than you ever
imagined. Overcome teen social anxiety with these important life skills.

Additionally, this book is full of interesting facts, fun and
informative cartoons, educational captions, inspiring stories, fantastic
quotations, and real life examples. Simple How To instructions help
teens easily master and instantly apply the information.

A life-changing book for teens that is also incredibly valuable for
parents, grandparents, teachers, ministers, youth group directors, scout
leaders, and any adults who work with teens. Based on the award-winning
book, Smile: Sell More with Amazing Customer Service, winner of 8 awards. Smile & Succeed for Teens provides the stuff teens absolutely positively NEED to know! For ages
12 and up. Grades 6-12. Scroll up and buy this book NOW to improve your
teens' lives starting TODAY!

I loved this book so much!!  It is book that ALL parents and their teens need to read!  Don't pass this book up!  It is a GREAT guide on how to connect with people in this plugged in world!   There is so much packed into this book but in a way that will engage all youth!  It is not a text book, but a resource and can be read over time!  Such a great read!  I plan to utilize many of the tips in this book myself! 5 stars 

We spend a lot of our time creating and sharing resources for educators and parents (who are often one and the same audience). Time and time again, we observe that families are left out of the equation when it comes to determining the primary audience for education reports, papers and articles—even though they are among the hungriest for informed opinions that can help them. 

This is why, in partnership with The Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Getting Smart has cultivated a popular parents’ blog series, Smart Parents, to share stories for parents by parents on both and on The Huffington Post. The project, hatched around the office kitchen counter in the summer of 2014, grew out of the recognition that parents need help making informed decisions, finding quality resources and providing the best supports for kids. With the 80+ parent stories we’ve gathered, we have authored our newest book: Smart Parents: Parenting for Powerful Learning. 

As educators and as parents, we have seen profound shifts in the way in which human beings learn—both young and old. Families face unprecedented amounts of information and education-related decisions. This often leaves parents navigating a complex maze of new learning opportunities, new standards, new assessments and new technology. 

This book is a resource to guide parents in creating, choosing and advocating for powerful, student-centered learning experiences for their children. It is designed to facilitate conversation about important educational decisions parents face today. With advice on everything from picking preschools to accessing educational apps, this is the resource for parents so they can be informed, involved, inspirational and intentional.


This books is great!  It is written in a way that is easy to read and understand.  It draws from experienced parents and learning experts and shows us (as parents) how to better serve our children.   It helps to show how we can better blend school and home learning. This book is jam packed with useful and valuable advice and it a book I will continue to refer to!   My favorite part of the book as the KEY really helps to summarize what was stated! 4.5 stars 

Life is Great Even When It Sucks helps you deal with old and new challenges we face everyday. This book helps you move forward past fears and behaviors that block you from being who you really are and doing what you really want to do. Using a simple system this book will teach you healthy ways to trust, deal with conflict, be accountable, honor your commitments and live with the results of your choices. You use this five-point system now, you just don't know how to use it powerfully. 

Combining the five-point system with a new understanding about the influences from family, societal and media cultures sheds a new light on all your relationships - personal, business and societal. 

Using your personal toolbox, uncovered by the strategies in this book, you will have the keys to unlock stagnant and destructive relationships, especially the one you have with yourself. 

Acknowledge and use your potential to achieve your dreams by learning what makes you do the things you do and why the other people in your life do the things they do. You are worth getting to know better.

What a great book to read to help examine your own life, fears, insecurities and motivations!  It helps you really take a deeper look at yourself and find ways to find the joy when life is hard. 
4 stars

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd