
Monday, November 17, 2014

Fall Reading Challenge (#FRC2014): Stillwater Rising by Stenna Holms


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Stillwater Rising (Stillwater Bay #1)

After losing her son in an elementary school shooting that devastates the tight-knit community of Stillwater Bay, Jennifer Crowne finds herself unable to settle back into her role of perfect stay-at-home mom and committee organizer. Meanwhile, her best friend, Mayor Charlotte Stone, struggles to keep the town together, and Charlotte s husband, the school principal, may not be the hero everyone thinks him to be.

As they try to heal from this irrevocable trauma, Jenn and Charlotte find themselves at a crossroads within the town and within their friendship. For Jenn, broken and grieving, there is no going back, and she demands that the school be closed so that she can bury the past. Yet Charlotte is equally desperate to hold the town together, fighting the school closure and helping the shooter s mother regain her place in the community. Jenn and Charlotte s relationship is put to the ultimate test as each weighs her own interests against the bonds of their friendship."
Course: Family Studies
Required reading: Stillwater Rising by Steena Holmes
Department: Women’s Fiction
Course Date: Week of November 17
Throughout this course you will uncover the heart-wrenching story of a town trying to put itself back together after an elementary shooting that traumatized a close-knit community.


My Review:

There is a way to triumph over tragedy.  Holms slowly tells the story of a grieving community and does so brilliantly.  It is part of a series, so be prepared to want the next book in the series the minute you close the book.  It is an emotional read about grief, moving on, resiliency and community.  It is touch and heartbreak.  4 stars


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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd