
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Action Kids Blog Tour

Displaying Lydia in Asia.jpg 

Welcome, Friends! This is the 9th stop in the Action Kids blog tour celebrating the release of the first book in the series, Action Kids' Club. Read the post from the last post at this blog and enter to win a pretty amazing giveaway

The answer to yesterday’s quote puzzle is: The only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is extraordinary determination. -Mary Kay Ash

For Today:
Kids Zone. To me, this is one of the coolest elements in Action Kids' ClubWhat kid hasn’t dreamed of having access to the Employ Only parts of a public building? I know I did. In fact, I often still smile at the sign when I breeze through a doorways where I work. There’s something incredibly special about being part of the team that gets to go into the heart of a company. 

Even though Kids Zone isn’t explored a ton in Action Kids' Club, you can be sure it will be a regular feature in the Action Kids Series. Of course we’ll be including lots of skipping through the Employ Only door’s while on the heels of the Action Kids as they explore, solve mysteries and entertain us. 

In the book, Kids Zone is described this way: “It’s basically a mixture of an arcade, an amusement park, and a discovery center.” Caleb looked thoughtful for a second, then added, “With a little bit of a small-town fair or circus feeling thrown in.”

* * *
I loved being a kid. Actually, even though I’m now in my twenties, I still like to do a lot of things that kids are generally thought of doing: Reading Middle Grade books, Swinging, Sleeping on the floor with my dog (I don’t even have a bed), Using my imagination to come up with great stories, and Asking all kinds of random questions. 

A lot of my friends are 10, 12, and 14 and I’ve heard multiple times that I’m fun to hang out with because I seem like I’m their age. Since I know that I can act like an adult when I need to, I take it all as a compliment. I figure that if I can still act like a pre-teen, the obviously I can still write for them, too. 

While writing the scenes with Kids Zone I have fun stretching my imagination to the fullest. You name it, I’ll think about adding it. After all, life isso much more fun when the imagination is put to good use. 

And here’s your quote riddle for today. Figure it out and leave the answer in the comments section and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a great prize! And, check out my blog to find out about the $50 gift card I’m giving away!

(Answer Key)
A B C D E F G H I  J   K L M N O P Q R  S T  U V W X Y Z 
D E F G H I  J  K L M N O P Q  R S T  U V W X Y Z  A B C

L fdq dffhsw idloxuh, hyhubrqh idlov dw vrphwklqj... exw L fdq’w dffhrt qrw wublqj. - Michael Jordan

Action Kids’ Club Back Cover Blurb: 
Twelve-year-old Olivia Hall’s dream of a friends' club ends when she finds out her family is moving. Her parents assure her it's a good thing, opening a new world of possibilities for the Halls. But going from ‘miss popular’ to ‘the new girl’ won’t be easy, and Olivia is not convinced.
Soon she begins to realize that although her life has suddenly changed, there's plenty of adventure to keep her on her toes. From making new friends at Forward Focus, to hanging out at the world-renowned Kids Zone, to meeting the curious head chef, she discovers that there's much more to life - and her new surroundings - than she ever imagined. How will she make the most of these new opportunities? Or will she let them slip away?

About the Author: 
Lydia Howe (aka Aidyl Ewoh) is a twenty-something adventurous author who enjoys hiking in the mountains of Asia and South America, building life-size models of dinosaurs, taking road trips across Europe and cooking for large crowds. 
Lydia grew up in a barn and has always dreamed of living in a tipi. She is trained as a John Maxwell coach and her passions include self-development and Christian apologetics One of her life-long dreams was realized when her first book, “Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl, was published by Answers in Genesis in 2013. Find her online at her Blog,FacebookTwitter Google+Goodreads and Pinterest.

Make sure you visit this blog tomorrow for the next stop on the tour where you’ll find out what are some of the books I’ve found to be helpful, the answer to today’s quote puzzle and yet another (gasp!) giveaway!

Giveaway! This giveaway is one I’m pretty excited about! Not only does the giveaway include a signed copy of Action Kids' Club, but I’m also including Action Kids bookmarks, an Action Kids Notepad, Pens and some other cool stuff that I’m going to keep a secret for now. :) (Sorry but this giveaway is only open to addresses in the USA!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I love comments, so please leave some! If you are a new follower and have a blog yourself please let me know so I can follow you back! Have a great day!

Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd