
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Review: It's About Time: Untangling Everything You Need to Know About Time by Pascale Estellon

It's About Time
Follow along as friends Jacob and Lily unravel time, starting from its smallest increment — the second — and finishing with the century. The progressive approach uses crafts, activities, and child-friendly anecdotes along with speech balloons, rhymes, and illustrations to make the abstract concept of time very real and very fun. It covers everything from the difference between a.m. and p.m. to how we use clocks and calendars to keep track of mealtimes, bedtimes, birthdays, and seasons to exactly how long it takes to bake a cake (follow the recipe to test it out!). From counting the number of days in a month using our knuckles to catchy tunes that help us remember the days in a week, It’s About Time offers a comprehensive and engaging approach to helping kids learn how to tell time. Sure, we can’t see it or hear it or touch it and we lose track of it easily, but this is a book that shows time doesn’t have to be difficult to understand!

My Review:
This is hands down THE BEST book I ever read on the concept of time.  My son is addicted to learning about time and is always asking questions about time.  This is such a well written book.  There is so much information written in a way that is both easy to understand, but also super fun!  This is a MUST to have to help your children learn the concept of time: second, minute, hour, day, time, week, month and SO much more.  I love, love, love, love this book!!!  5 stars!!!!

Buy it

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd