
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Highlight: Work Women Want: Work at Home or go Part-Time by Jennifer Forest

Work Women Want
Jennifer Forest's fifth book, Work Women Want: Work at Home or go Part-Time, published by Artisan
House, was released on May 1st, 2013.

Jennifer Forest gives voice to a new generation of women who are finally finding the right balance between careers and motherhood. Work Women Want answers the questions asked by so many working women today, "Is it really possible to combine motherhood with a career and do both well?  Can I still make good money working from home?  How can I convince my boss that working part-time is win-win?  Is working at home or part-time right for me?" 

In Work Women Want, 
Jennifer shares her journey to a successful home business and her experiences working part-time for an employer. She also interviews 11 women who have each taken their own path to combining work and children. Some of the ways to make money from home include: eBay sales, share trading, party planning, blogging, and providing professional services. 

Finding a book idea or two
I often get asked where the inspiration for my books come from. My problem is that I have too too many ideas and I then need to work out which one is the right one to pursue. For Work Women Want I so wanted to help my friends and all the mothers I was meeting, they had a problem and I wanted to help.
After the birth of my daughter, I kept meeting other mothers who wanted to work at home. At every mothers' group I went to in four years, there were women trying to work out how to be there for their children but still make decent money. They were asking the same questions I had. Always trying to be helpful, I would ask questions and offer a few suggestions that might assist with this difficult question.
Then a friend rang up frustrated at the lack of part-time jobs which would let her pick her children up from school. Days later, another friend rang up and said "Tell me how to work from home. I'm always at work. I never get to see my daughter."

I was meeting so many women facing this big issue: how to make money and still be at home to care for their children in the way they wanted. So I wanted to find my friends and all the mothers I was meeting an answer, a good answer, the real answer. In my book Work Women Want I set out to find them an answer. I share my own journey of trying to make decent money from home as well as my experiences working part-time. I also interviewed 11 amazing women from Australia, USA and UK who have all taken their own paths to making money from home. 
I know from my own experience that there are ways to make money from home........ if you look for them. The real problem is working out which one is the right fit for you. As I tell you my story and the stories of the women I interviewed, I also explore authenticity and how to find the right option for you.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd