
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Review: Things Remembered by Georgia Bockoven

Things Remembered: A Novel

Book Description

October 16, 2012
To face the future, a woman must let go of the past. . . .
Returning to her childhood home in the golden hills of Northern California means regret and pain for Karla Esterbrook. Yet she can’t refuse when her ailing grandmother, Anna, asks her to help settle her affairs. After all, Anna raised Karla and her younger sisters after their parents’ death twenty years before. But from the beginning a powerful clash of wills separated Karla and her grandmother, leaving them both bitter and angry.
Little does Karla know that a very determined Anna will do everything in her power to bridge the chasm between them. But can the wounds of the past truly be healed? For Karla, opening her heart could lead to more hurt—or perhaps to reconciliation . . . and a love the likes of which she has never known.

Have you ever finished a book and thought whatever I read next will never be as good?  That is what when I finished Things Remembered.  

Things Remembered sucked me in from page one and I could not put it down. Karla's grandmother, Anna, raised Karla and her sisters after their parents death.  Karla goes back home to help Anna get her affairs in order because she is dying.  Returning home brought back good and bad memories for Karla.  Karla and Anna re-discover themselves and find love that they never had when Karla was growing up. The author makes you feel like you are part of the story. This book will make you think about your life and your relationships with your family and friends. I give this book a 5 star rating

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd