
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Review: Danny's Mom by Elaine Wolf

Danny's Mom

Book Description

 October 23, 2012
A compelling and timely novel about a grief-stricken mother who launches a one-woman campaign against bullying in the volatile high school where she works.  Beth Maller returns to her job as a high school guidance counselor shortly after her teenage son, Danny, is killed in a car accident. Beth didn’t want Danny to drive that snowy night, but her husband insisted the roads were safe. Beth blames him for Danny’s death, and she blames herself for allowing fear of confrontation to paralyze her. Now back at work, Beth rails against the everyday injustices she had overlooked until her world cracked open. Her new circumstances cause Beth to become a major player in the moral battles being waged at Meadow Brook High—where homophobia snakes through the halls, administrators cling to don’t-rock-the-boat policies, and mean girls practice bullying as if it were a sport. While Beth struggles to find her “new normal,” she learns to speak out, risking her career, her marriage, and the very life she’s learned to embrace. Danny’s Mom illustrates what really goes on behind the closed doors of our schools, from the perspective of the adults who are charged with keeping our children safe. It is a powerful novel that will appeal to all readers, especially mothers, the millions of adults who work in our schools, and the LGBTQ community.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Wow, Wolf again writes a beautiful and heartbreaking story of loss, justice and redemption.  Wolf, the anti-bullying author, tackles some very tough topics in this 5 stars novel that should be read by all.  I feel that this novel with invoke change and encourage people to speak up against bullying and other injustices.  I applaud Wolf and her ability to write such honest, moving and important work.  Go out and get your copy today, read it and then share it with others!!!  

To view my review of CAMP, click HERE

To read my Q&A with Elaine, click HERE

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd