
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chick Lit Challenge 2012: Sign Up!

Chick Lit Challenge 2012: Sign Up!

I signed up!!!  I love having goals and with the New Year approaching I can add read 12 chick lit books to my resolutions list...


Here are the detail via Chick Lit Plus
I  had such a fun time in 2011 hosting the Chick Lit Reading Challenge, I’ve decided to run it again! If you are interested in joining the challenge, please check out the rules below, and use the Mister Linky to sign up. Last year we had 112 challengers, and I’m hoping for another great turn-out. Welcome to the Chick Lit Reading Challenge for 2012!

Challengers will read 12 chick lit books throughout 2012. You can (obviously( read more books of other genres, but you need at least 12 chick lit to count for this challenge.
Two of the twelve books need to be from debut authors. The debuts should be released in 2012. I have a feature on my blog that will highlight new releases and debuts, so you can find suggestions there.
Post your own challenge article on your blog, and put the link in the Mister Linky below. This must be to the specific post mentioning the Chick Lit Plus Challenge, not just to your blog. The post can simply say that you have signed up for the challenge, and please include a link back to this page so your followers can join as well! If you do not have a blog but wish to sign up, just email me at Samantha (at) chicklitplus (dot) com and I will get you signed up. Also, if you don’t have a blog, please add your name to Mister Linky and a link to one of your social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads, ETC. Thanks!
Please add my challenge button to your blog. You can copy the HTML code and add that to your sidebar.
Please send me an email when you start a new book for the challenge. I will have a specific section on CLP that will highlight books being read.
Starting in January, there will be a link specific to the challenge. Challengers can add their links to their book reviews.
Readers can join the challenge anytime between now and the later part of 2012. The books you read do not need to be selected beforehand, you can them add them as you go.
I have some fantastic authors that are willing to contribute their books to this challenge, along with some fun swag gifts along the way. There will be monthly prizes, and each reader who links over their reviews or emails me the book they are reading will be entered to win the monthly prize.

And that’s it! If you are wondering if a specific book will count towards chick lit, just send me an email and I will let you know. Also, if you have any trouble adding your URL below, send me an email with the link and I will get it added for you.
Please use the sign-up ABOVE to join the challenge. I will be placing all challengers in a special email group, and will alert you to when the sign-up sheet for January is ready for reviews!

1 comment:

I love comments, so please leave some! If you are a new follower and have a blog yourself please let me know so I can follow you back! Have a great day!

Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd