
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

LIFE By Mrs. Mommmy Booknerd

I am not somebody that likes to talk about the tough stuff, the stuff that really hurts and really matters.  I know that may not be the perception that I give people close to me, but when the going gets tough I have a hard time letting people in.  I pick a select few people to talk with and stick to those people.
The reason I am saying all of this it because I am going through some very tough stuff right now.  I know that it is really tough because I cannot even focus to read, which was the one thing I could always count on to get me through.  I loved being able to turn my mind off and escape into the pages of a good book.  But the desire and ability to focus has vanished lately.
I will begin to post, starting next week, on Mondays.  I hope you all forgive me for my absence for the last week or so.  I thank you all for coming to see what good reads are out in the world and for your continued support.
I am going to leave you with a quote that really sums up what I am feeling...
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill

Sincerely, Mrs. Mommy Booknerd

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd