
Thursday, April 23, 2020

#MMBBR #Review #FirstLine #ChildrensBook #PictureBook #BelovedandthePepperTree by #AnnGonzales illustrations by #ManuMontoya via #partner #OllieMedia @TriciaHedman who provided a #free #reviewcopy

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Beloved is best friends with the Pepper Tree who lives down the hill from her house. She loves the Pepper Tree because it gives her shade to read in and branches to climb. When Mama tells Beloved they are moving away, Beloved is heartbroken. But the Pepper Tree has one last gift: a gift to help Beloved cope when everything changes.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

#FirstLine ~ Beloved was a little girl who lived in a house on the hill.

This book is adorable; both the story and the illustrations. I adored the sentiment of the love between the girl and her pepper tree. There was a realness of the innocence of childhood and the beauty of nature. It was a darling story to teach young kids to tend to nature and the abundance of the splendor that nature provides. I adored this book, cover to cover!

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd