
Sunday, March 17, 2019

#MMBBR #Review #PowerUp by @sethasfishman via #partner #MBCommunications who provided a #free #reviewcopy


The companion to A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars. 

Did you know there is enough energy in your pinkie finger to power an entire city? And that everything you do--running, jumping, playing, and exploring--uses that same energy inside of you?

In the companion to A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars, Seth Fishman and Isabel Greenberg explore the relationship between energy and the human body, breaking down complicated concepts into small, child-friendly segments.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very entertaining and educational book explaining all the ways are bodies are amazing. Would you believe me if I said that this book explained how you have enough power in your pinky to power a large city for an entire day? Well when you read this book you will be taught why this is true and what a special treasure our bodies are! With bright and colorful illustration this book will launch the reader into a story that will both amaze and entertain!

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd