
Sunday, August 19, 2018

#MMBBR #Review #AbsoluteExpert #Dolphins #Soccer #Dinosaurs #Volcanoes via #partner @NGKids


Absolute Expert: Soccer by Eric Zweig and featuring in-the-field expert Mark Geiger, a Major League Soccer and Olympic referee (and one of only two U.S. referees officiating at this year's World Cup) — Covering sports history, the latest gear, facts about little-known regulations, high profile athletes and so much more, this title has it all.  Professional ref Mark Geiger shares his personal stories of what it’s like working the Olympic games and the World Cup, how to train to be a professional referee and the importance of good sportsmanship.  Throughout this year’s World Cup, Mark has had to pull the yellow and red card quite a bit — and his explanation of how and when he uses them is fantastic.  Fresh off the World Cup and heading into soccer season, this title is extremely timely. Mark Geiger, just back from refereeing the World Cup, is available for interview.

Absolute Expert: Dolphins by Jennifer Swanson and featuring in-the-field expert Justine Jackson-Ricketts, a National Geographic Explorer and marine biologist  — Comprehensive coverage of all things dolphin, including all the different species, a nose-to-tail look at these amazing mammals, their habitat and behavior, how to study them, career opportunities in the field, and the importance of conservation efforts.  Justine, who studies rare Irrawaddy dolphins in the Gulf of Thailand, acts your guide as she shares with the reader the work she is doing to save this species of dolphins whose numbers are dwindling.  Justine Jackson-Ricketts is available for interview.

Absolute Expert: Volcanoes by Lela Nargi and featuring in-the-field expert Arianna Soldati, a National Geographic Explorer and Volcanologist — The ongoing eruption of Kilauea has brought volcanoes —  the science behind them, their combustible beauty and the massive damage they cause — back into the headlines.  This timely title contains the latest information on all types of volcanoes around the world, which ones are in danger of erupting and what it takes to get up close to study the science behind the eruptions. Arianna has done field work all over the globe and acts as the reader’s guide to these combustible natural wonders.  

Absolute Expert: Dinosaurs by Lela Nargi and featuring in-the-field expert Dr. Steve Brusatte, a National Geographic Explorer and Paleontologist - Dr. Brusatte has named more than 15 new species, traveled the world searching for dinos and is particularly interested in the origin and evolution of dinosaurs.  Throughout this book Steve shares his stories, adventures, discoveries and insights about his life as a paleontologist and the amazing dinosaurs that he studies.  Every page contains rich details and drills down into all aspects of dinosaurs —  different species, how they evolved, their behaviors, fossil science and so much more. 

This entire series is ABSOLUTELY amazing! You want to become an "absolute expert" in the topics of dinosaurs, dolphins, volcanoes and soccer? Then these are the books for you. In true National Geographic Kids fashion these books are filled to the brim with facts, tidbits, pictures, illustrations as well as tips, tricks and little known facts from experts in the field. Kids, and parents alike, are going to get lost in these books and want to learn all there is to know on each of these fascinating topics. I loved learning along with my boys and getting to become an "expert" on these cool and interesting things. I find that now I know more and want to continue to learn about each of these topics. These books are perfect for your home library or your child's classroom. 

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd