
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

#MMBBR @booksparks #noshelfcontrol #deadgirlrunning @ChristinaDodd

  • mrsmommybooknerdThere is more #snow coming over here in #wisconsin so what should I do??? #Read of course! I love #partnering with @booksparks to bring you these #amazing #titles — #BookSparks has #noshelfcontrol and I don’t either! @christinadoddbooks has brought to this world a #fantastic #book that will keep you burning through the #pages with this #original and #compelling story!! ABOUT THE BOOK: I have three confessions to make:
    1. I've got the scar of a gunshot on my forehead.
    2. I don't remember an entire year of my life.
    3. My name is Kellen Adams...and that's half a lie. 
    Girl running...from a year she can't remember, from a husband she prays is dead, from homelessness and fear. Tough, capable Kellen Adams takes a job as assistant manager of a remote vacation resort on the North Pacific Coast. There amid the towering storms and the lashing waves, she hopes to find sanctuary. But when she discovers a woman's dead and mutilated body, she's soon trying to keep her own secrets while investigating first one murder...then another. 
    Now every guest and employee is a suspect. Every friendly face a mask. Every kind word a lie. Kellen's driven to defend her job, her friends and the place she's come to call home. Yet she wonders--with the scar of a gunshot on her forehead and amnesia that leaves her unsure of her own past--could the killer be staring her in the face?

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd