
Friday, December 8, 2017

#MMBBR #Interview #Showcase #JeanBaxter #Salvageable

Salvageable by [Baxter, Jean]
The trouble with trust is once it’s broken, it changes who you are and who you will become—forever.

If Michael Jarrid thinks the worst has happened when his parents don't believe him over his pregnant ex-girlfriend’s lie, he is wrong. Feeling alone, he pours all of his heart and soul into a new relationship. What Lacey does to him is even worse …
Now he doesn't even trust himself. Is his life salvageable?

Jean Baxter

Jean Baxter grew up in a small town in Wisconsin. She started writing with her friends in junior high, passing the same story back and forth, each one adding to it. Getting a short story published in a magazine gave her encouragement to try something more challenging.

She white-knuckled through raising two kids as a divorced mom and became a registered nurse to support them. Writing took the back burner. Those teen years were fraught with angst and drama. It’s there she found her niche-young adult- and wrote a book. Eventually that book got dusted off and updated. With a little nudge from her writing group, she started sending it out. Now she is a published author. Salvageable is her debut novel, with a sequel in the process of being revised.

Jean has four grandchildren, a couple of cats and a yard full of flowers. She loves to travel, walk, bike and golf. She’s a member of Wisconsin Writers Association and Green Bay Area Writers Guild.

Q.  What inspires your writing?
A.  When I see or read something that moves me, it inspires me. My desire to touch someone's heart or make them think inspires me. And the drive to get these stories out of my head inspires me to write them down!

Q.  What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
A. Having the power to create something from an idea and carry it all the way through to completion. For me it also invokes a responsibility to say something worthwhile and hopefully meaningful to someone. I love when people tell me they are so angry with Michael, my main character, or it feels like they know him personally because that means I have stirred something in them and they become invested in the story. It warms my heart when someone says, I couldn't put the book down.

Q.  What is the toughest part of being a writer?
A.   Making my characters real and believable. It's also hard at times to keep the momentum going because every scene or chapter can't have a catastrophe. And finding a way for my work to reach readers.

Q.  If you could not be writer, what would you do/be?
A.  I spent 30 years as a registered nurse. I worked on a medical floor in a hospital which provides a variety of interesting experiences to spice up my writing.

Q.  What would the story of your life be entitled?
A.  I Dare You To Tell Me I Can't!

Q.  What is your favorite book of all time?
A.  The Fault in Our Stars. Oh my, the mom in me, or the nurse…that story grabbed hold and did not let go. I cried through the entire last half—yes, sobbing, half the book!

Q.  Which character from ANY book are you most like?
A. How about Anne of Anne of Green Gables. It would have to be someone who's overcome some adversity in her life, strong willed, determined, and independent.

Q.  What character from your book are you most like?
A.  The mom. She's the mediator in the family, she never gives up on her relationship with her children, they are her life. But Michael definitely has some of my traits, too, a stubbornness and a sense of what is right or just.

Q.  Which book would you love to take a weekend vacation inside of?
A.  My Sister's Secret—takes place in many exotic surroundings, but the home base is along the sea in England. The descriptions are wonderful. It seems tranquil, quaint and beautiful. I would love to be able to experience that area and that family.

Q.  What is your favorite season?
A.  Each season boasts something unique and special that I love. But if I have to choose, I pick spring. I absolutely adore watching and waiting for the snow to melt and see the daffodils peak through the still frigid earth, followed by the crocuses and every other flower. Rebirth, everything is new, again.

Q.  What inspired your book cover(s)?  Or what is your favorite book cover and why?
A.  I wanted the cover to represent Michael pondering the mess he's made of his life. I think it fits the story perfectly. There's a brightness in the background that suggests perhaps all is not lost.

Q.  Tell me something funny that happened while on a book tour or while promoting your book.
A.  I was doing my first meet the author/book signing and had a really good turn out, former co-workers, friends from various groups I attend and my family. I had it all planned out to give a little talk about how I got into writing first, then do a reading from the book, then afterwards, I would sign books. One lady got there early and grabbed one of my books and asked me to sign it right then. I couldn't tell her, "No, you have to wait." All of a sudden there was a line of people wanting their books signed. So much for my nice, orderly plan. But, I guess it was a good kind of problem to have. I eventually got to do the talk and signed even more books after.

Q.  Are you working on something new?
A.   Yes! I have already completed a sequel which is at the publisher now. And currently I'm almost done with a stand alone young adult novel about a young man who talks his girlfriend out of getting an abortion and the consequences that follow.

Q.  Anything you want to say to followers of this blog or those that are just stopping by?
A.   First I would like to thank Emily for her love of all things bookish. Thanks for all the reviews you do, giving readers insight into the books you've read and for giving authors a platform. Thanks to your followers for sharing your passion for the written word. And finally, thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me. Much appreciated!

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd