
Thursday, April 7, 2016

#MMBBR #Review #Q&A Momster by Laura Jensen-Kimball

MOMSTER is a hair-raising story about a boy who after ignoring his mother’s repeated requests, realizes what a grave mistake he has made. Mom, who is loving and kind by nature, has had it. Her frustration shows as she morphs from her peaceful self into a MOMSTER. Understanding quite quickly that his actions were the cause of this terrifying transformation, he apologizes. The mother quickly forgives and alters back into her delightful self. The young boy wants to warn anyone who will listen of the potential threat hiding in everyone’s mom. MOMSTER will thrill and chill every child between the ages 4-10. There is a lesson of action and reaction that every parent can relate to and will enjoy discussing with their child. 

Watch the book trailer HERE

Laura Jensen-Kimball

Laura Jensen-Kimball is the mother of four children and married to Jeff. She was inspired to write after her youngest child was diagnosed with a speech delay. Books were a common tool used in improving his speech. Laura creates books with a touch of humor she feels both parent and child will enjoy. Living in Norwalk, Iowa, she is also a Registered Nurse currently pursuing her Masters in Nursing. This is Laura's first published book, but hopes her other stories are published soon- Check out Laura's website at

What inspires your writing?
Not a day passes, that I do not come up with an idea for a story.  Life gives me these ideas.  As a mother of four children, most of my inspiration comes through them.  The light bulb turns on, but turning that thought into a story can prove difficult.  It does seem the stronger I feel about something, the easier it is to write about it.

What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
 I enjoy the challenge of writing and it is so satisfying to take your thoughts and turn it into a story that someone else can read, laugh and relate with.  MOMSTER is my only published book at this time, but it has brought experiences I hadn’t even thought about when I wrote it.  It has provided a path into schools which puts me in front of children.  Watching their facial expressions as I read is so enjoyable and knowing that I am promoting literacy and a love for reading is priceless.

What is the toughest part of being a writer? 
Am I a writer?  This seems to be the tough part.  I love to write, I have several stories, but are they good enough?  Good enough for whom? I submitted MOMSTER to a few traditional publishing companies.  It was rejected.  There is a lot of rejection in this area of work and sometimes that can create a large amount of self-doubt.  The decision to self- publish was carefully consisdered.  The desire to create MOMSTER kept me up at night and the entire process was amazing.  I felt true fear when MOMSTER was officially published.  What would my readers think?  My friends and family?  Is it good enough?  This entire experience has brought me to this conclusion… I have published a book, made people laugh, engaged children in reading groups, met new amazing people, made my family proud and even sold a few copies along the way.  Writing is not without its downside, but living life with regret for not following my dreams would be a mistake.

If you could not be a writer, what would you do/be?
As a young girl, I loved babies and knew that my future career would involve them.  In 2000, after I passed my nursing boards, I started working on a Maternity Floor.  For twelve years, delivering babies, working in a newborn nursery and caring for mothers was my passion.  During this time, I also had four children of my own.  It is a blessing to sincerely say, I am doing exactly what I want to be doing. 

What would the story of your life be titled?
This is a fun oneJ  The story of my life would be called, “Chaotic Peace.”  These two words describe life as a busy mother of four yet at the end of the day, I celebrate life’s blessings.

What is your favorite book of all time? 
This is such a tough question!  I love books! I love the feeling of reading books with my kids in my lap and the emotional connection or conversation a story can create.  If I really have to pick a book, it would be The Shack, written by William P. Young.  This book brought me to my kness. The emotions I felt throughout this story had me in tears and it inspired me to reach out to people.  When I read this book, my younger brother was battling P.T.S.D. after his deployment in Afghanistan.  I really felt he had lost his way and I gave him this book to read.  It made a big impact on him as well.  I purchased several used copies and donated them to a local Veteran’s office in honor of my brother.  It is my hope that it brought peace to others just as it had for me.

What character from ANY book are you most like? 
I’ve always felt I possessed a decent sense of humor and can relate best to a character who sees the humor in life.  As a kid, Judy Blume was one of my favorite authors. Are you there God, it’s me Margaret? was a story I easily identified with.  Poor Margaret had to buy her first bra and deal with normal pre-teen issues, all written with wit and humor.  Judy Blume had a way to make the reader feel a part of the story.  I was a huge fan of V.C Andrews too and totally admit I wanted to be like Alice in the Twilight SeriesJ

Which character from all of your books are you most like?
Oh, this is easy.  MOMSTER, of course.  This simple mother just wants some help and her obtuse son has better things to do…like watch TV.  It’s a daily interaction at my house.  When I have the opportunity, I always point out to my readers that mom is very happy in the first picture.  It was not her desire to “bark like a baboon.”
Which book would you love to take a weekend vacation inside of?
Without hesitation, Home by Carson Ellis.  It is a beautifully illustrated book capturing what the meaning of a home is.  The inside flap describes, “Home might be a house in the country, or an apartment in the city.  Or even a shoe.”  The word home instantly brings me peace and my children love to talk about what it might be like to live underwater.

What do you want to be remembered for 100 years from now?
Instantly, I think of my children and hope that after my time on earth is done, my children know I loved them, my grandchildren know I loved them and the generations to follow remember my name and associate it with love, positivity, hopes and dreams.

What is your favorite season?
Living in Iowa means extreme weather variations.  I really enjoy the changing of the seasons, but my favorite is Spring.  It brings new life, warm weather, storms, green grass and the kids get to go outside and play.

What inspired your book cover?
The cover for MOMSTER was created by talented artist, Peter Mahr.  The cover itself tells a story.  With its eye catching bright colors and curious characters, it makes a child want to open it.  The mother is simply cooking at the stove, her back is turned.  However, the quirky turtle is all tucked up in his shell, while the children look on anxiously.  It’s a great cover, thank you Peter!

Tell me something funny that happened while on a book tour or while promoting your book.
First of all, reading to large groups of kids always promises fun and surprises.  Whenever I visit schools, I always let the students have Q&A time after I have read MOMSTER.  It’s not a particular one comment that stands out, but when I say “Does anyone have questions about writing or publishing a book?” all hands are in the air, they are bouncing in their seats with anticipation and the majority of their “questions” are not questions at all.  It’s a lot of “My dog is four years old” or “My tooth is wiggly but it won’t come out” or “I don’t like carrots” (There is a picture in story with visible carrots, so this kind of relates).  The teachers and I usually share a small knowing smile with each other, I listen to all their thoughts and responds with a positive comment.

Are you working on something new?
Yes, always.  I have a few stories I am currently writing and I’m about ready to commit to publishing another book.  The illustrator is already chosen, it’s just a matter of being the “right time.” 

Anything you want to say to followers of this blog or those that are just stopping by?
Hello!  Thank you for reading and sharing!   Every day is a gift, you’re the author, write the story you want to read.

This book is sheer delight.  I read it with my kids and we all laughed.  They thought it was so funny, as did I.  I have been known to turn into a momster from time to time, so it was a book we could all relate to.  I love that Jensen-Kimball found a way to teach children to be respectful to their mothers in a way that is both entertaining and funny (and a bit scary).  The pictures are also such fun.  The pictures illustrate the slow transition a mother to takes from loving mother to momster!  I love that this book can help build the relationship between mother and child.  This book takes into account the role we play to maintaining our relationships and creates a fun way to encourage communication between mother and child.  This is a frightening tale and readers beware that the momster can come out when love and respect are not the book to find out how to turn the momster back into her fun loving self!!!  4.5 stars

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd