
Monday, February 9, 2015

Review: Cinderella's Secret Slipper by Alinka Rutkowska


"Comical and neat, with unusual twists and turns, this tale will immediately grab children’s attention."
Mrs. D., Award-winning Children's Author

Cinderella's Secret Slipper is a story of our favorite princess who more than anything else wants to wear her famous glass slippers to her son's birthday party. But she can't because her four-year-old smashed one of them in an attempt at killing a mosquito on the wall. Where is she going to get a glass slipper now?

Alinka Rutkowska
Hi, I'm Alinka Rutkowska and I'm an award-winning and best-selling author and coach.

I've been featured on Fox Business Network, Examiner, She Knows, She Writes, Blog Talk Radio, The Writer’s Life and many more.

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I thought this was a great new spin on an old classic! I love when we read fractured fairy tales and can see another way to spin the original story into something new, fun and original! I think kids of all ages will go nuts when reading this book! They may even come up with a new version of the story as well!!! This story spark imagination and creativity...4.5 stars


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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd