
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Review: Homework: A Parent's Guide to Helping Out Without Freaking Out! by Neil McNerney


Pages: 165


HOMEWORK: A Parent's Guide to Helping Out Without Freaking Out! will guide you through a simple process to find a way to help your child based on which faulty coping pattern your child is using. Most homework books are focused on study techniques. Homework focuses on how parents can be powerful leaders in their kid's education. It answers the most common questions parents ask:

  1. When do I reward and when do I punish?
  2. How do I give advice about studying without getting backtalk?
  3. How much should I review homework?
  4. How do I help my stressed out child who takes school too seriously?
  5. What do I say when my child says "I don't care" about school?
  6. How do I help my disorganized child without feeling like I am his secretary?
Praise for Homework 

"Whether you have an anxious, disorganized or defiant child when it comes to doing schoolwork, McNerney's C.A.L.M. method allows you to tailor your intervention to the specific style of your child. A great way to avoid nightly homework wars!"
   - Thomas W. Phelan, PhD, author of Surviving Your Adolescents

"Neil is a gifted communicator, able to introduce ideas in a way that make perfect sense out of complicated dynamics, and leaves parents feeling renewed and ready for action. Neil is a professional worth watching and learning from. I know I have."
   - Hal Runkel, NY Times bestselling author of ScreamFree Parenting

"I've never read a book like this one I will keep it on my professional shelf & continue to recommend to parents and professionals. Thanks for the gem of a book, Neil McNerney! No wonder it's flying off shelves!!"  - Laura Chernow, Book Reviewer for The Purcellville Gazette

This a godsend for all parents dealing with the battle of homework.  I have young children and I am already dealing with the battle.  This books helped me to realize how to best deal with the stress... in a better  and more productive way.  It is such a wonderful resource.  I know what I will refer to this for years to come.  I am also telling all my parent friends to get this book.  5 stars.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd