
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Review: The Marriage Challenge By James and Andrea Wood

The Marriage Challenge: 52 Conversations for a Better Marriage
Marriage is hard work, but worth it.
The challenge is to stop trying to avoid the frustration, pain and discouragement of marriage. Too often we focus on how to not be a bad spouse, how to not hurt feelings, how to not get in trouble. But then our focus is entirely on what NOT to do.
Instead, shift your focus. Look at what you want to do, embrace the joy, encouragement and challenge of marriage. This book offers one conversation a week, for an entire year, to help you move toward a better marriage. You can’t change everything about your marriage overnight, but, working a bit at a time, you can improve your marriage.
One hour a week for a conversation with your spouse can change your marriage from what not to do, into what you’ve always wanted. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

It is one of my New Years resolutions to be a better wife.  I am a great Mom, teacher, friend, sister, daughter ect, but struggle at times to be the best partner to my husband.  I take most things out on him; my daily frustrations, my own short comings, among other things.  I plan to take the Marriage Challenge and hope to engage my husband in some great dialogue and to be the best wife I can.  I know that I am far from perfect and I hope to find ways to better communicate my thoughts and feelings with my husband.  
Are you ready to take the challenge? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the mention. I hope it's a fantastic tool in your journey.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd