
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Review: Perfect is Overrated by Karen Bergreen

I loved this book!  The main character, Kate, is so real.  She is flawed, raw and worth caring about.  Her story is that of many mothers and women and tackles some heavy topics without being too heavy.  It is about motherhood at its best and worst, it is about marriage with its highs and lows and it is about maneuvering relationships of all forms.  I could not believe how much of Kate's experiences, minus the murders, are similar to mine.  I loved the humor, depth and storytelling in this novel.  It has mystery, great characters and an ending I loved.  I highly recommend this book and rate it 4.5 stars!

Book Description

July 17, 2012
Perfect Is Overrated

Think you want to be the perfect mom? Think again…..

Kate Alger has finally found the cure for her post-partum depression.  After years of suffering, all it takes to bring this mommy back to life were a few gruesome homicides!  When someone starts offing the alpha-moms from Kate’s daughter’s preschool, Kate—who worked as an Assistant District Attorney before she had Molly—realizes it’s time to get out of bed, dust off the skills and find out who is killing all the mommies she loves to hate.

Wickedly funny and slightly twisted, Perfect Is Overrated is a romp through the life of one very needy mom, her cockeyed family, gorgeous ex-husband, and the entire insane, entitled, over-dressed , over-zealous, eternally jealous parent body at The Hawthorne Preschool.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book too! Your review is spot on. I recommend this to my friends in need of a fun and exciting read.


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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd