
Friday, January 20, 2012

5 Goals for Your Kindergartner Reader by


1. Build Up Her Skills in Letter-Sound Recognition

"'A' is for 'alligator'..." By the end of kindergarten, many children are able to associate letters with sounds and can identify and write uppercase and lowercase letters.
Help your little one learn her alphabet sounds by letting her create her very own alphabet book. Staple together some blank sheets of paper, write down one alphabet letter on each page, then ask your child to draw pictures of items that begin with each letter.

2. Familiarize Her With Sight Words

Many kindergartners learn to recognize whole words by sight. Sight words include words your child uses often, such as "the" or her name. Help build up your child's bank of sight words by creating and using flashcards. By the end of the year, your child may recognize and read sight words in books.

3. Improve His Print Recognition Abilities

Many kindergartners develop a stronger concept of how letters mix and match to form words as well as how words string together to make sentences. Build up your child's print recognition abilities by letting him play with letter magnets. Read stories together to help him distinguish punctuation marks, letters from words, and when words start and end.

4. Show Him How to Read from Left to Right

As you read with your child, use your finger to point to what you're reading. He'll learn that writing goes from left to right and that we read until we reach the end of a line and then return to the left to start a new line.

5. Aid Her Reading Comprehension Skills

The plot thickens! Many kindergarteners can understand basic motivations for characters and events. Make reading an interactive experience for your child by asking her to make predictions about the plot or speculate about what she thinks various characters are feeling. When you're done with the story, ask her to relate the story to her own life.

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd