
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Guest Post By Dina Silver

I was so thrilled when Emily asked me to do a guest post on her fabulous blog, because One Pink Line is my debut novel, and having just released it this past November, I haven’t done many guest posts. So, in a valiant effort to not bore anyone, I asked her what she thought might be a good topic for me to blab, I mean blog, about. She very kindly suggested that you, her amazing followers, would be interested in hearing about my son or me. To that I responded, “Great, two of my favorite things!”

Many years ago, I started writing notes/letters to my son Ryan (he is nine years old today). Just short little tidbits about the day, or the milestones he was achieving at the time. There was a time when I thought that this might be my first book. That maybe other mother’s would be interested in a compilation of these random letters that I wrote to Ryan each month. So that being said, here is a sample of one of the letters I wrote to him on February 14th, 2006 – he was four years old then:

February 14, 2006

Today is Valentine’s Day, and I just had to write you a quick note b/c you were so ridiculously adorable. You and Daddy woke me up with breakfast in bed (scrambled eggs with onions & cheese, bacon and toast) and you asked me to be your valentine. Then you proceeded to ask me all day long, and tell me you loved me, and say “Happy Valentine’s Day,” and “I just love you the most mommy,” which you also said to daddy when he came home from Brian’s house. It was the loveliest broken record I’ve ever heard.

I also wanted to mention two other things that are just so genius and fabulous. First, when it’s time for you to go on the potty, I place you up there and you immediately look at me and say, “private seat please,” because when we first started potty training you, I would ask you if you wanted “privacy” and you interpreted it as “private seat.” So cute!

Second is genius. Robin bought you this random kitty shaped blankie when we were in Atlanta. And b/c it’s a kitty & a blankie it’s body is a square blanket, but it has a small kitty head, and two nubby feet in the back. But since its overall shape is flat, and grey in color, you named it Stingray Kitty…precisely b/c that’s what it looks like! The only time you’ve ever even seen a stingray was at the Shedd Aquarium seven months ago. You are a little genius and I love you.

Thanks for making this the most wonderful Valentine’s Day a girl could ever dream of.


You made it through my guest post, and you’re still awake! Victory! Thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about the boy and me. Have a wonderful 2012!
-Dina Silver

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Emily, AKA Mrs. Mommy Booknerd